Chapter 22

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Wow, I didn't update for a while Sorry guys! Okay, I don't have an excuse but I made this acc on IG: @unitedxfans. I need some ideas on who I should post. (Demi, Selena, 1D, 5SOS, Emblem3, etc.) Thanks for 1.9k reads <333


"Trevor slow down!" I panted. We were on the same team for round 1 of laser tag and we was full on sprinting across the place to the other side, expecting me to keep up. 

Pffft. I don't do physical activities.

"Keep up Madalyn, I'm not even going that fast," He scolded.

Sure you aren't you big ostrich. 

He finally stopped at the other team's base. I bent over and tried to catch my breath. My vest vibrated. What the? I glanced up and saw that someone had shot me. Of course I tried to shoot them back but I didn't realize that my gun wouldn't work for a few seconds. I sat there with my arms holding the gun awkwardly towards the person who was staring at me. Wait a second. I squinted my eyes to see who it was. That girl from the go-carting place. Is she following Trevor and I? My gun reloaded and I aimed at her and fired. I missed. Not even by a little. I'm pretty sure a blind dog could aim better than me. Her vest vibrated, but I didn't shoot her. I turned my head to see Trevor, in his little warrior stance. So cute. He looked at me.

"You have terrible aim."

"Yeah. I don't know why I wrote laser tag down on my bucket list."

"Watch out my love!" He hollered before throwing himself in front of me with his arms spread. His vest vibrated and blinked before going out. Did he really just die?!

"Tell our kids that...I love them.." He croaked as he fell backwards, leaning his weight on me awkwardly. 

"Trevor, you're not dead," I dead panned. 

No response.

"Trevor. You're fine. You're not dead," I said again but stared at him. I knelt down ad laid him on the ground. 

He didn't respond again.

"Trevor Moran you get up right now!" I yelled. 

No movement. UGH!

"I'm sleeping beauty," he whispered and looked at me.

"You're a dork that's what you are."

"But I'm your dork."

Silence. Well not really silence if you count my heart beating as loud as a drum.

"Trevor," I looked at him.

"I know, I know. But I'm still yours and you're mine and no other guy can have you okay?"

I smiled, "Okay."

My vest started blinking and vibrating before shutting down. I was dead. Finally. I did this same thing during gym when I was playing dodge ball; I stood in one spot until someone would get me because let's be honest, that is not my thing. Or "that is not my problem" as Jamie's mom would say. Anyways, the game ended and these two little kids won, what a surprise. We left, and here we are in the car again. Only 12:30. My stomach growled. Wasn't quiet either. 

"Well, someone's hungry."

"I'm always hungry."

"Let's feed you then shall we. Where should we eat though?"

"Surprise me."

"I know the perfect place, it's an hour and a half drive from here though so get comfortable."

I'm gonna die. I glanced at the radio and turned it on. Fitz and the Tantrums was playing.

"You listen to them?"

"Yeah, I love them."


And then we were blasting the radio, the windows rolled down, and we were singing Fools Gold together in perfect harmony. 

"Didn't know you liked their music, what music do you like?" Trevor turned down the radio.

"Any really, I listen to Lana Del Rey a lot."

"Have you heard West Coast?"

"Who hasn't?! Lana is frigging queen."

We continued to talk about our tastes of music until we got to the restaurant. 

"What is this?"

"Sojouners. It's delicious, you're gonna like it."

He got out and walked around to open the door for me. I took one step out and then it started to poor down rain, like thank you rain. It really makes me happy to know that you hate my existence being outside. He took off his jacket, revealing some muscle toned arms under a tight fitting v-neck t-shirt. Using one arm to drape over my shoulder, he covered my head to keep me from getting soaked and walked that way until we were all the way inside.

"Well aren't you two just the cutest thing," a waiter cooed.

I swear my body was turned upside down and all the blood was in my face at the moment.

"Let me take you guys to your table," she smiled at us and walked with us trailing behind her.

Trevor still had his arm around me.

I feel you on me Trevor.

After we got situated and ordered and ate, we left and were driving around. 

"I want you to meet my family," he filled the silence.

I choked on my water.

"What? Now?"

He nodded.


The rest of the drive was quiet.

We pulled up and I trudged behind him staring at his back.

My what broad shoulders you have Trevor.

And your shoulder blades, my how so definied they are.

"Are you coming in, or nah?" he smirked.

"Stop it," I deadpanned. 

"MOOOOOMMMM I BROUGHT HOME A GIRL!" he screamed suddenly, making me jump.

"I'M COMING!" she hollered in reply.

He looked pretty similar to his mom. She was pretty too. I mean Trevor is too. Well not pretty but like you know, handsome.

"Thank you," they said in sync.




Not again Maddy. Are you serious!? I slapped my hand to my forehead.

"Isn't she pretty mom? Oh wait, mom, this is Madalyn Banouvong, I like her," he smiled at me.

I can't feel my legs, where are my legs you darn boy.

"Nice to meet you Mrs.Moran," I shook her hand.

"Please call me Nicole sweetheart," she pulled me into an embrace and pulled away. " Are you hungry? I'm gonna make some smoothies," she stalked off into the kitchen.

Trevor pulled me over to the coach and sat down, bringing me down with him. 

"Okay, so let's go through this list again and see what we can get done. It's 3 o'clock now. Got until midnight," he said.

"Okay," I pulled out the list.

Kiss Me Like You Want To Be Loved (Trevor Moran)Where stories live. Discover now