Chapter 2

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"Mom," no response.

"Mom," I called a bit louder

"MOM!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

She ran through the room like I was dying.

"What's wrong? Who died? Are you okay Maddy?"

"Yeah, sorry for scaring you. I wanted to ask if you could buy me tickets to DigiTour." I gave her this look to seem persuasive.

"Yeah, no problem how much is it?"

"$25, can we get general admission so I don't have to sit next to random chicks trying to steal my husband?"

"Trevor is gonna be there?" 

I'm so proud my mom knew who my husband was. I just was about ready to scream again when I heard his name, it's just so perfect. Now, my mom knows all about my fetish for Trevor. There was this awkward time when 6/6 of O2L was filming and Ricky took off his shirt so my mom just kind of gave me this look and I just sort of looked off in the distance like when your crush catches you looking at them and you try to be smooth and look at something else. Yeah, that's what went down.

"Did you wanna bring any friends?" my mom didn't like me being alone. She was concerned about my social media needs.

"I was going to tell Christena and Michelle about it." 

"That's fine as long as there are no boys."

Typical mother.


Woo, so I have mid-winter break while the rest of you just have a 4-day weekend c; HAH!

Anyways, yeah I'll be trying to update daily this week and get some escalations in there.


Kiss Me Like You Want To Be Loved (Trevor Moran)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora