Chapter 16

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A/N OMG Okay so I'm like freaking out at like 3 am that this story got over 600 reads now! Thank you guys so much! <3 I want to have a cover contest if I get to 1000 reads? Goal. c: You guys are freaking amazing. Here's chapter 16.

Do you guys think I'm making the time pass to fast by skipping the really small details?


Winter break went by in a flash and I kind of wish it hadn't. I was late the first day because I slept in until 8. Over break I hadn't really talked to anyone else besides the boys, Michelle, and Christena. I got home from a long, boring day of 7 hour jail. As soon as I got home, I went into my room, dropped my bag on the floor and collapsed on my bed. I laid there staring at my ceiling for a while, replaying the moments I had with Trevor over winter break. They made me feel fuzzy inside and bad because we hadn't been dating. He took my lip virginity! I mentally checked that off my bucket list. Speaking of lists, I should probably make one for me and Trevor if we're gonna get a friendship going here. I sat up and grabbed a notepad and pen off my desk and started making a bucket list.

1) Get to know each other. (Past,Scary experiences, Best experiences, Future plans, etc.)

2) Have a movie night.

3) Listen to music together

4) Send each other ugly selfies

5) Meet each other's family members

6) Do something crazy together

7) Photo booth pictures

8) Get kicked out of the movies

9) Go go-carting

10) Laser tag with a bunch of people

 That should be enough for now. I set down my pen and pinned the paper to my wall. Spring break wouldn't be here for another 7 weeks. Long days of school, then homework. I've been trying to keep my grades up lately. I want to end junior year on a good note with a 3.5. Ugh, I flopped down on my bed and played around with my phone. It dinged, signaling that I had a text message from someone. I opened my messages and saw it was a number that wasn't saved into my contacts. My breath hitched in my throat when I read what the text message said:

Hey babe, guess who ;)

I knew it wasn't Trevor because he was saved in my phone as Trevy <3. Who the heck was this and how did he get my number...


Okay, I know the chapter was really short but I wanted to put some suspense in the story. Gonna change some things up now. ;) dont kill me okay

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