Chapter 23

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   Graduation was exhausting. Matt went with his parents after to celebrate but my mom and I had hurried back to the house. My exhaustion was at a dangerously high level. 

   Guess today had been one of those days where I pushed it way too much. 

   Regardless, I didn't have any trouble falling into a calm sleep that night. 


   It took a lot for me to get up the next morning. What finally did it was when Lynn emerged into my room and slid under the covers with me. I turn on my back and put my hand on my forehead, palm up. She rested on her elbows and smiled sheepishly. I look at her quickly and resume staring at my popcorn ceiling, she sighs and does the same. 

   There is something bothering her but I don't have the energy to even ask. We just stare silently at the ceiling until someone decides to open their mouth and start a conversation. I finally put both hands on my stomach and interlace them while Lynn doesn't move any sort of her body even a fracture of an inch. 

   She turns her head to me and I do the same. The bags under her eyes are intense. She hasn't slept in days, and her red-rimmed eyes are indicating a sore issue. She smiles but it isn't real. Nothing about Lynn is normal, I flip myself to face her fully and she takes a sharp intake of breath "Take a walk with me?" I cringe at her hoarse voice but I nod while she pulls the covers back and walks out my door. Closing it silently behind her. 

   My body aches but I manage to haul myself out of bed and walk into my closet. By the way, Lynn was dressed, with a sweater and jeans, that indicated that it was chilly out. But with me? Chilly might as well be thirty-degrees outside. I grab a pair of jeans and a light blue sweater from the back of the rack, then I pull out fluffy ankle socks before grabbing my light brown combat boots. 

   I trudge on the pants and button them slowly. I then manage to hoist the sweater over my head and shoulders before smoothing it down my body. Lastly, I sit at the edge of my bed and pull on the socks and boots. I grab a white beanie with a pom-pom and place it atop my head and over my ears. 

   I open my door and walk into the living room where I can get a better look at Lynn. 

   She looks absolutely horrendous. She bites the inside of her cheek while staring blankly out the window. Her legs nervously bouncing up and down, she has a pale look to her face and horrible bags under her eyes. She's thin as well. Her hair not as shiny as it has been, whatever is wrong with her isn't well. She rises from the couch once she spots me and walks swiftly to the door before beckoning me out. 

   I follow her directions as we step into the blistering cold. 

   I wasn't expecting what she said mere moments after. 

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