Chapter 7

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     A few weeks later I was re-admitted into the hospital for evaluation and that would be a couple of hours so I once again sat in my bed and ate a cupcake while watching say yes to the dress, my bald head finally growing on me and I didn't mind bandanas now unless It didn't look right then you might as well move on. 

"Hey Quinn, can I call anyone for you? Your mom went to work and your brothers stepped out" This was the same nurse who helped me a few weeks when we had found out my cancer was stronger than ever, we are all still recovering from that as well. 

"Uh...can you call for a Lynn Grey?" She nodded and went away quickly. Today was Saturday so I didn't have to worry about waiting for school to end to see her. 

Within a 10 limit time period, I can hear the elevator give a ding in response since I am right next door and my brother goes to the nurses' station, I swear Drew likes my nurses of all them. 

"Hey Sarah, do you mind if I go ahead and see Quinn?" Oh my gosh, it is worse then I thought, stupid first name base. But I was chuckling on the inside. 

"Hey Drew, sure we transferred her into room 203 which is right there" She pointed this way and smiled, they looked at me and Logan gave her wink and thanks.

Drew steps in with a wild grin on his face, I can only scowl and point my finger at his face"Will you stop flirting with my nurse? It's frankly weird and creepy at the same time" he rolled his eyes and they both sat on the bed next to me. 

Drew shoved my shoulder slightly and batted me away "Oh please, she's cute and I've got nothing better to do." 

"Cute?" I repeat "Stop, seriously can you at least do that crap when I'm not twenty feet away from seeing it? It's gross and frankly awkward." Drew only plops on a chair and places his feet on my clean bed sheets. I scoff and push his feet down. 

 Drew rolls his eyes and places a small bag at my feet, my brows go up and I point to the mystery bag. 

"What's that?" 

He shrugs gently and picks at his nails"Not sure, you would have to open it to find out I guess." Drew handed it to me and I tore through the package. 

"Careful, killer," He drawls "It's not anything too special."

 I put the package down for a moment before eyeing him carefully "Anything from you is special to me, Drew." He shrugs at my sweet words. I look away and continue opening the package. 

I groan when there is a small blue box inside the package. More opening. I work my fingers to find the opening and when I find it, I slightly lift it up to find a gorgeous silver locket perched nicely inside. And engraving is etched across the front that says "I will love you forever" I look at him and can feel tears stinging my eyes. 

"Oh, Drew!" I call out "I love it! It's perfect. Thank you." He doesn't even look at me as I pull around my neck and pull it up to my face. Drew was never one to do caring things. It was never his forte I should say. 

Sarah knocks gently on the door. Her eyes going to Drew before they go to me. She clears her throat "The doctor has cleared you to return to school in about a week. We'll send you home with a note." I thank her and she gives one more look to my brother before closing the room door behind her. 

"It's going to be really weird going back to school. The questions everyone is going to be asking? I mean I hate feeling like I'm in quarantine but I hate questioning even more." Drew doesn't even look up from his nails. Of course. The guy has always been obsessed with his appearance.

So I do the unthinkable "I mean, what if my crush doesn't like me without hair?" Drew automatically looks up from his obsessive nail cleaning. I hurry myself to fiddle with my own. 

Drew perches himself by my shoulder "Crush? Well, my dear sister, you said the magic word. Now you are going to have to elaborate on this crush. What is he like? Is he cute? Oo, does he play a sport? No theater kids, can't stand those kids." 

Lynn knocks on the door and my brother barely looks at her "Wait for a second, hotness, my sister was just about to elaborate on her crush with a mystery dude." I don't mind bothering Drew about calling Lynn 'hotness' his crush on her has been known since we were a freshman in high school. 

"Hey, glad you could make it," I say to Lynn. She folds her arms and looks at my brother murderously. 

Lynn walks toward us "Of course, now, Drew if you could be so kind as to exit the room? I have to have a talk to my best friend alone." 

Drew looks her up and down before smirking "Sure, only if I can get a kiss for it," Lynn rolls her eyes and kisses Drew quickly on his cheek. "That isn't-" 

Lynn is already pushing him out "You didn't specify," I laugh as she closes the door behind him. She walks over to the bed and sits down with a sigh through her nose. 

"Lynn, what's wrong? I know you are keeping something from me and as your best friend you can't really keep that from me" She seemed to smirk a bit but she seemed upset and I knew what it was. 

"You" She looks at the floor of the room and then our eyes meet.

"Me? You should have told me." She nods and her voice starts to break in sorrow.

"Yeah. I should have but people are always saying how weird it will be when you come back you know? Like they always say 'Will she look different?' or 'I wonder if she'll miss half of this year too' and I got angry. I hate it when people say that" I fiddle with the ring on my finger as she wipes a tear from her eye. 

"Don't listen to them okay? You are my best friend and you know me better then anybody else so please next time that happens just ignores it and say to yourself 'She is my best friend and I know more then they do'"

"Okay, I promise. Oh and Justin kind of wants to ask you out, I know that knows important of anything" She is trying to be sarcastic and I keep down a squeal as I roll my shoulders. 

I croak as I speak and Lynn gives a grin "Oh? Well, that Okay, you couldn't start with that?" She shakes her head quickly. 

Drew pops his head in the door and clicks his tongue at us "Hey, dumb and dumber," He whistles to us "You guys want a ride back to the house?" I nod and Lynn snaps her fingers. 

"Oh!" She says loudly "I forgot to mention that I drove here, I gotta drive back. What a shame, we'll have to reschedule that drive." Drew winks at her and she scoffs before he closes the door back in place. 

Lynn turns to me "Your brother is a pig," 

I laugh and fiddle with the locket at my neck. Cancer controls a lot of me. There is one thing that it will never control as easily. 


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