Chapter 9

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The party was a huge success and after all of the people left, Lynn, Noah, Justin, and my mom were still around. But eventually it came clear to me why the were still here because my mom came out with a blindfold and I backed away until Justin finally wrapped his arms around me to keep me from going any further and I did not appreciate that.

"So, we have a surprise for you but you have to trust us with the blindfold okay? And this is from everyone and I really hope this helps you in the near future" She gave a smile and looked around as other people were also giving a kind of creepy smile.

"It's not a crib is it? Because I am only sixteen so..." My mom shook her head and Justin looked like he was about to bust out laughing. My humor can be sickening but what are you to do?

"No it's not a crib I am a good mother. Anymore guesses before we blindfold you?" She rubbed her hands together and smiled from ear to ear.

" it a new door? because you know I have always wanted a new door, mine is really old and still has stickers from when I was like six" More shaking of the heads and I dropped my hands to my side with a clap.

"Nope, I guess I am out of guesses, so just uh...put the evil blindfold of doom on my head and I guess I will just figure out for myself and hope I don't die or fall or anything else. You do love me right?" Everyone in front of me rolled their eyes.

"Yes! We don't want to kill you Quinn so just calm down and relax okay? If you die than you will die of pure happiness alright?" My mom now had the blindfold tied to my head and sighed.

"Okay alright, I was just checking to make sure and what do you mean 'Die of happiness'? What is it?" I could feel her shrug as she accidentally touch the end of shoulder a door opened and closed and my heart rate I am so sure was going through the rood. Gosh this was making me so anxious and scared for my life.

"Alright honey, you can open." I took off the blindfold and she was right, I thought I would say goodbye to everybody and drop down to my knees and die right there and hope it licked me.
"You got me a puppy Husky? What? I cannot believe you did this! Thank you so much" The little puppy ran to me and I picked him up and just started cuddling and kissing his soft face. I smelled him like a weirdo and I loved that new puppy smell.

"What are you going to call him? He has to have a nice name and he is yours and your brothers are really jealous and are threatening to just steal him so I would keep him close by" My mom joked as I blocked out the world and thought of a name for this adorable puppy.

"Uh, what about Draco? I mean I like Harry Potter and since I don't want to name him something normal, what do you think?" Everybody seemed to like the name and we went on with it. I loved Draco.

Everybody left a few minutes the revealing of Draco. We walked into he house together and he followed me around and didn't even listen to my mom so I was pretty happy that he loved me and only wanted me. I got changed into pajamas and just decided to go to bed, it had been a long day and I desperately needed the rest, so I said goodnight to my mom and crawled under the covers with Draco, whom would bark madly until I lifted the covers and gave him space to lay next to me and cuddle.

I woke up a little early in the morning just because I was ecstatic to finally be starting school officially. I got dressed into a pair of Pink branded sweatpants, a sweater that is too big for my own skinny body but oh well, a pair of red converse and I put on my pure grey beanie. It was cold today so I just thought this outfit was best and I walked out into the living room where my mother was drinking her morning coffee before work.

"Good morning mom" I walked around the kitchen and got myself some orange juice and a muffin to suffice my hunger problem and my mom handed me the new meds and I sighed before washing them down with my drink.

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