Chapter 11

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     After yesterday, I suppose my body had no will to sleep because I was up all night and even when I forced my eyes shut they would never stay closed long enough for me to go into another world. So in the hours I still had left...I thought about what my mom had said to me the day before and me thinking about it logically made so much more sense. Wanting to know more I got into my computer and clicked Google Chrome. I pushed the browser on the search bar and typed in 'Matt Donahue' hoping a recent search would come up on his Instagram or something. What came up had shocked me enough to want to call him. 

      Matt mom had passed away in a car accident a week ago...he was her favorite person and she was his, she had always loved me and when they sent me a invite to the funeral I threw it away because I had seen just Matt's name and the guilt made me hate myself more and more by the second. I silently scrolled through some of his other photos and saw that he had a girlfriend named Sarah Colum who had left him for a another guy the day his mom would have lived her last moments. But I also the change in his eyes. She must have done that to him like Lynn had done to Noah. 

     After searching about him for a few hours I gave up and closed the computer the time I had known him he was a monster who was a rogue football player from time to time, he was always going to parties and getting drunk much more than he coach would have liked...but that isn't saying how it reflected him as a boyfriend. The him I saw in the photos was much more different because he had felt that unbelievable pain of losing a parent, of also loving and losing a girlfriend the day his mom passed. 

     I slept the best that night, well the thirty minutes of sleep I could get. 


     The morning sun killed my retinas in pieces as I looked at the time on the clock.  

     Shoot! It was an hour since school had started and I had slept in more than I ever had before, my mother stayed a full night at the diner and she was sleeping in as well. I couldn't wake her up since she took the day off to sleep and here I was, supposedly a girl who is old enough to wake herself up at the correct time. With that being said I tried to be as quiet as possible when I decided to get dressed into a sweater, leggings and a white beanie to cover my shiny bald head. 

      Walking out and brushing my teeth took three minutes so it was wasn't long, I would go ahead and grab breakfast and coffee on the way to school since there is a coffee shop called 'Marie's Coffee Stop' they mostly did Starbucks remakes and tried to pull it off. I grabbed some cash for breakfast and lunch and quickly grabbed my things. I tried to be quiet and I woke up right before my mother...that was probably the closest thing I will ever have to do. 

       I walked out the door and halfway I saw Matt, he had a cup of coffee in his hand and it was so cold his breath turned to smoke, I had just realized how cold it actually was. The eye contact between us lasted a while before I went past him and grabbed a few doughnuts and some coffee before going right back out again and my journey continued with a steaming cup in my hand and a chocolaty donut in my hand. Much more in the bag I put in my backpack. 

       "Quinn! Hey!" Matt called after me before he got back in his car. 

       "Hi." My answer was simple which made my heart race. I wanted to talk to him but standing in the freezing cold wasn't an option for me when I am walking to school. 

       "What are you doing out here? Don't you have a car?" I shook my head and ate another bit of donut and a sip of steaming coffee. 

       "No, when I went back to the hospital this recent time they suggested to my mom that maybe since I am getting a little more tired and my medications are strong, that maybe it would be best If I stayed off driving until the medicine had a little time to get used to the conditions of my body. But uh-I'm really hoping that I will soon" 

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