Chapter 2

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     Before the miserable age of ten, I was happy and the woods behind our house became my home away from home. After I turned six my brothers and I went out and they began making me a tree house, the tree house symbolizes the unbreakable bond between us. Oh I loved it so much and I begged to play in it every day. Now it's battered and broken into pieces because of all the weather and the erosion and the decaying that only God knows what has been happening in that tree house. Even when the cancer came into my life, like a new close best friend who slowly decided to kill you, I still went and I still wrote in a diary that I have managed to lose up in that old tree house.   

   I was caught in the thought while I finally snapped out of it and looked over at Lynn and she was glued to her phone as she vigorously typed and rolled her eyes, her cheeks turned red from anger until she finally gave up.

      "Hey Lynn, you know how I went to that stupid tree house every day after school and once I got cancer I started going less?" She nodded without looking.

      "Yeah, you never let me go in, for some pact you had with your brothers right? I never fully understood that" She put the phone back into her pocket an folded her arms across her chest as we passed the bus stop. The cold threatening to bite at my cheeks.

      "I was determining whether or not to go back you know? I mean I haven't been in there since I was 11 and maybe I can find a hidden gem. I did lose a diary in there" She raised an eye brow and laughed.

       "Yeah why adored that place until your brothers left and you never had to have a reason to go. I don't get why you couldn't unless your mom was worried something might happen to you" She looked at me now, she was stupid sometimes. Not going to deny that much.

        "I promise you Lynn, nothing is going to happen to me. Any way my mom is working late and she would never know." She scrunched her nose and unfolded her arms from her chest.

        "Wait you said 'nothing is going to happen to me' you said that in a certain way, why did you say it like that?" The glowering look surrounding her face made me smile from ear to ear.

        She stared at me and I couldn't help but laugh at her bunny rabbit looking face.

         "Well considering I am watching where I am going...I won't walk straight into that pole that you are so lucky to introduce yourself to" She looked forward no and widened her eyes, her nose cracking slightly.

         "Wait what? Ouch!" I stiffled a laugh and shook my head as she friendly punched me and rubbed her nose.

         "You need to either listen more often or pay attention because what if I'm not here to tell you those things? Seriously Lynn you've been doing that since you were like ten" She rolled her eyes and I smiled wide this time. There was seriously no use in keeping my smile back. We both lost our smile at the line I had said about not being here.

        That's another thing about cancer. It hates happiness.

        Lynn has never seen the tree house nor has she ever heard so much as what was in it. Drew and Logan were the ones to make the laws that would some day make it seen childish and embarrassing, but I'm big on being more of a child than a teenager. It's just so much more fun. Especially when you lose half your childhood in a hospital bed. Anyway, back to the rules and the stupid laws..the first one is: Never ever tell anyone the location or show where it is, two: Don't tell mom, three: Under no exception should you break these rules, and the last one: Should you break these are to be removed from said tree house. And then we all signed it, little did we know those signatures won't matter as much as they did.

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