Blame my brothers!

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Garte's POV

I cant believe Y/n finally has someone, but if that someone isn't good enough for me... I will hurt every inch of that boy.

"Garte are you OK?." Zianna asked.

"I am. "

"My baby girl is finally growing up!." Zianna sobs.

"Mom.. Please don't cry." Vylad said.

"She's not a baby anymore." Zane said.

"You two and Garroth will keep her company. I don't trust the boy that she is bringing. This is the first one which will result that this boy will fall in love with someone else. " I said sternly.

"OK guys take a seat." Garroth said to y/n and the....boy.

"Good evening father...good evening mother and brothers. Its nice to get along again." She said.

"Good evening dear and who might this be?."

"This is Zenix. Zenix my ummm friend." She said with a big smile.

"Friend? I thought this was your boyfriend." I raised an eyebrow.


"Yes it is her boyfriend father." Garroth said.

Y/n blushed and looked at Zenix. He looked like a bad boy to me.

"So...what are you in school?." I asked eating a steak.

"Me? I'm part of a gang named the Shadow Knights which is led by your wonderful daughter , Y/n." Zenix looked at y/n.

"So.. What does this gang do?." I asked.

"Technically, they were the ones who tagged and ditched class." Zane said.


"Yeah.. They liked to ditch class and tag around the neighborhood." Garroth said.

"Guys!." Vylad gave Garroth and Zane a death glare.


"You are not dating him! He is a bad influence!." I said.

"Garte! Let Y/n speak!." Zianna said.

"Zenix is not like that anymore. I am the new leader and they stopped doing that. The old leader, Gene did that to them!." Y/n said.

"Once a bad boy always a bad boy." I said crossing my arms.

"Father! I love him!."y/n said.

"And I love her!." Zenix said.

"You two are not meant for each other!." I said.

"Father!." Y/n said with a tear.

"I never want to see you ,Zenix near my y/n ever again!." I said standing up.

Zenix stood up and walked away.

"Thank you for tonight." He said walking away.

"Ugh!." Y/n followed Zenix.

"Y/n!." I yelled but she didn't look back.

Zianna hit my head and said.

"Look what you've done! Y/n was finally happy! I'm ashamed of all of you guys!." She walked away to the direction where y/n and Zenix walked.

"I don't appreciate what you did to them." Vylad walked away following Zianna.

Y/n's POV

"Zenix!!." I grabbed his wrists.

"Y/n.. I have to go... Can't you see I'm not accepted." He said and tears fall on my face.

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