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~~Real World~~

Derek's POV

We told everyone we were going to be gone for a few days for a business trip, but little did the kids know we were going to Alcatraz.


"Were here to see Michael, Zach, Elizabeth and Ein." I said and the guard nodded and let us in.
We walked the halls to see different villains. Until... There they were. Ein and Zach beside each others cells and Elizabeth and Michael on the other side but beside each others cell.

"Sooooo why are you guys here?."Zach asked leaning on the wall.

" Stop being ignorant.. You know exactly why.."Garte and Zianna said looking at Elizabeth and Michael while Rachel and I look at Zach and Ein.

"Ohh. Why do we owe such a meeting..." Ein said.

"What's this?!." Garte showed the book.

"Ahh... Our research. You found it.. Did you find something?." Michael said sarcastically.

"Of course we did!! What have you done to y/n?!?!." Zianna stepped forward to the cell.

"Did she? Get out of control....?." Elizabeth asked.

"Yes.. Why do you ask?." Rachel asked.

"She did!! Oh! Our Visitor will be here soon!!." Zach said.

"And it happen because of both you being too aggressive or not accepting her and his choice." Michael said.

"His? What do you mean his?!." Rachel reacted.

"Aaron and Y/n. They were both the descendants..They are the children in the dark." Ein said.

"A-Aaron? Why is he in this all of the sudden?!." Rachel was shocked.

"He's an ultima isn't he? He is cursed by the magic of Shad or the amulet. Which leads him to be one of the destroyers. He's cursed." Elizabeth said.

"What's your point?." Garte asked.

"Our point is.. That when y/n let's darkness consume her.. She'll awaken Aaron's Dark side and he will help in this destruction." Michael said and our eyes widen.

"Were doomed once this will be done.." Zach said.

We quickly ran out. No!! Not them!!

~MCD World~

Aphmau's POV

Why is Garroth being mean to his sister? She said she didn't know anything about her doings? What if she was set up? But.. By whom? I linger as I walk up to Katelyn.

"Hello Aphmau." She greeted.

"Katelyn.. What is Garroth so upset about her sister? Can you sense something evil about her?." I asked her.

"No. I do not feel such weird things about y/n.." Katelyn said.

"Lord Aphmau!!." I hear my name being called. I turned around to see Lucinda.

"Lord Aphmau! There is a dark aura in our village. It is strong." Lucinda said.

Could this be y/n?

"How dark are we talking?." Katelyn asks.

"Its ...really evil." Lucinda said.

"Hello Lord Aphmau." A deep voice said behind me.

I turn around to see... Zane removing his hood.

"H-How did you get pass my guards?!." I said and he pointed and I saw Dante,Laurence, Travis and Garroth on the ground.

"No!." I shout.

"I told you.. If you marry me.. I'll leave them alone and I'll keep them safe." He said.

"I will never marry you Zane!." I shout.

"Too bad... I shall hurt you and prove youre a weak Lord." He begins to run to me and attack me.

Katelyn swooped in and Fought Zane for me.

"Go!." She said and signalled Lucinda.

"No! I can't leave them!." I said looking at my fallen guards.

Suddenly, Lucinda gets knocked out by...Lily?!?

"No!." I shout.

Then Aaron came in and fought Lily.

"Go away Lily!!." Aaron growled protecting me.

"Aww. Come on Aaron." She said slashing him but she missed by 2 inches.

"Idiot!." Lily screams and fights Aaron.

Due to Aaron's speed he knocks down Lily right away. Then a clash of armour fell. I saw Katelyn down on the ground. Zane was coming at me but Aaron fought him and then Zane threw him a knock out spell because Aaron was down.

"No! Get away from me!." I back up.

"You should've married me...and this wouldn't happen.." He said as he towered me.

"Please no!."

"Goodbye Lord Aphmau.." He had his position to stab me but he froze.
He was lifted up in the air and his sword fell.

"What treachery is this?!??!." He yelled.

I looked who lifted him up and it reveled Y/n!! She has her hair flying up crazy,her eyes glowing purple and she's floating in mid air.

"Don't hurt my friends Zane.." She grits her teeth holding him in a purple aura.

"What?! Y/n?!." He sounded scared to see her.

"Zane.. You've done enough!." She spins him around her in her little aura bubble.

"Stop it!!." He screams.

She stops spinning him and he becomes dizzy. Y/n pushed her aura bubble to the wall and pins Zane there.

"Argh!! You little witch!! Get me out of this!!." Zane shouted.
He was stuck in like shackled chains around him making him pinned to the wall.

I see Garroth stand up. He looks at y/n pinning Zane and he draws his sword out and then runs at her. Y/n then collapses which made Garroth miss.

"Y/n!!." I ran to her. She was weak.. But she defeated and protected me from Zane and more evil people.

"Argh!!!!." Zane broke free and then left with his gang.

"Ugh..." Y/n moans and Vylad comes up and helps her up.

"Is she OK?." Vylad is worried.

"S-She protected me..maybe i-it drained her.." I help her up.

"Wait? She did that? Trap Zane?." Garroth stood there questioning himself.

"Garroth..wake them up and once they're in fill health report it to me. I need to speak with you after this." I said.

Vylad and I are carrying her to Kawaii~chan's place to fix her up.
Its the best I could offer because she protected me.

Turning Around|| Daughter of a Ro'maeve|| Book IIIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora