Evil for a DAY

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I woke up to the sounds of birds and More. Everything seemed alright. No one had a fight last night since they were drunk. I then realize to see someone cuddling me. The person's hand is cuddling me and the person's chin is on my head. I then looked at the person cuddling me and I saw a pair of blue eyes looking at me.

"Hey.." I realized it was LAURENCE!

"Ahh!." I scream out of bed which led me to fall on the floor.

Suddenly, the door was broken down. I saw Garroth and my family.

"Y/n!! Are you alright?!?!." Garroth was in panick mode.

"What the hay are you doing in my room?!?!." I look at Laurence.

"I-I-I had..n-no where t-to s-sleep.." Laurence said as he got up.

"So you sleep in my Daughter's Room?!?." Papa tensed up.

"It was the only room available." He said.

"You better start running before I whoop your bum!." Zane warned and quickly Laurence ran out.

"Alright. What were you doing last night with Laurence?!." Zane was tensing up.

"I was asleep. I didn't know he was here. " I said.

"You're lying!." Garroth said.

"Baka!. I said I didn't do anything with him!." I said angrily because they didn't believe me.

"What kind of Language are you using huh?! ." Vylad was getting tense too.

"Pls...stop.. Even though you're all bakas I want you to please think properly. Do I like Laurence? Dont you think he does that always? ." I asked them.

"Well..um..Uhm. I guess..you're right." Papa rubbed his neck.

"See. This is how you should think it. Not just going all berserk about one tiny incident." I said.

"Were sorry. We didn't mean to." Vylad hugged me.

"And I know what that means so be careful." Vylad whispered.

"What?! You know what language I used?!." I was in shock.

"Yup. Just be careful because I'm the only one who knows it." The thought of Vylad knowing Japanese scares me.

"So...that was a little awkward..HEY! Lets eatbreakfastshallwe. Wehaveschool." Garroth ran to his room quickly.

"Garroth is being a numbskull again." I mumble.

~Le Time Skip~

"You guys go. I'll catch up!." I said and waved goodbye to my brothers. I went to the Shadow knights which were tagging the freedom room. I leaned on the door and said.

"Hey guys..wanna cut classes?." I know ...I'm going to be a Shadow knight but I have to. I need to get that thing about me and Laurence.

"What?!." They both were in shock.

"What? Don't want to?." I said with an evil smirk.

"Why are you doing this? Who are you?." Sasha said.

"Its me Y/n. The one and only. I can't believe you don't notice you're leader. Are you gonna cut classes with me or not? I need to get things out of my head." I said.

"This is going to be good!." Zenix said evilly.

"Come on. Before my brother tells me to do things." I said.

We ditched school and went to the park.

"So this is how it feels ditching school." I said.

"Isn't it great?." Zenix asked.

"I feel free! I want to do something to get what happened last night." I said.

"Girl, don't be thinking about that. Forget all those worries and tag the neighborhood." Sasha said handing me a spray paint can.

"You're right. Let's go tag the neighborhood. For once I guess." I said with an evil grin.

"What have you done to that sweet y/n?." Zenix was a little scared of how I acted.

"She's gone for the day. Let's go tag my brother's house and Gene's house! Come on!." I said.

~At My brothers House~

Zenix gave me a jacket so that we could hide our faces. They wore masks and jackets. I wore a bandana and black jacket. We went to Gene's and Dante's house and tagged it.

"Hey!." We heard a voice never to be heard again.

"Shadow knights! Stop it!." We turned around to see Gene.

"We ain't the shadow knights!." I said.

"You think I cant see you kitty? You gone good to bad. Me likey." He said.

"Run!." We ran away to my brothers house and tagged it.

"This is amazing! But? Why is Gene out of Prison?." I asked while tagging a Zane with a pinkie cake.

"He got out a few days ago, but wasn't allowed to go to school for the rest of the year." Sasha said.

"Hey!." I heard a deep voice.

"Oh no were dead." I said.

"Why are you tagging my house!!!." It was typically Zane.

"You're an emo. Ha!." I said.

"Wait? Who are you?." Zane looked suspicious.

"Someone you know nothing about." I said.

"That voice. Y/n?." Zane said.

"She's not y/n! She's dark angel!." My new name. Awesome!

"Is she now?." Zane crossed his arms.

"My names Angel. Dark Angel." I stepped in front of them.

"Why did you choose my house? My brothers will kill me!?!." He was worried.

"Technically, I know you're the Ro'maeve emo in the family and I know there's a girl with a dark heart like mine. Isn't she? Isn't she y/n?." I said as if I wasn't me.

"How did you know? But anyways... You're creeps!." He said backing up.

"I'm not the creep. You are!." I said with an evil grin showing.

"Dark Z and Dark S and I will be leaving. And you're in big trouble!." I threw the spray paint at him and we ran away to Sasha's house.

"That was amazing!." I took off my jacket and throw it at the couch.

"Yeah it was! He was like...I'm dead." Sasha laughed her butt off.

"Sasha...I'm freaking killing you after this." I said.

"Why?!!." She exclaimed.

"Because you didn't let Zenix have fun!." I said.

"What?! I did had fun! Just at the look at Zane gave you!." He chuckled.

"Anyways...I had fun and the sweet y/n has to go home. Thanks for making my day guys." I hugged them. Zenix hesitated but then gave in.

I went out and went home. I was back home. I hope they didn't know it was me. I went in to see an angry Garroth tapping his foot and having crossed arms.

I'm dead am I?


Y/n skipped class and ditched school! What will happen? Does Garroth know? Are you going to be dead?

Stay tuned people!!❤❤❤❤❤

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