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<The Clearing, Quidditch World Cup>

"There you four are," Mr Weasley said rushing over to them, Ginny was asleep on George's back and Fred was helping Willow walk as she leant into him. Arthur paused for a moment, last he checked, Wilow, could walk on her own. "What happened?" he asked urgently, Willow shivered as Fred spoke for her, "Death Eater, Crucio, Knife", Willow held out her arm and pulled up the blood-stained sleeve, Arthur gasped "Oh gosh come here,", he waved his wand over it cleaning away the blood, "is there nothing to stop the hurting?" Willow asked desperately, "sorry I know no spells, but I'll get a healer!" Arthur said thinking quickly, "no" she yelled, "I don't want anyone to know, this must stay within the Weasley family" she sounded desperate, "but why?" he asked, "just please don't tell anyone" she pleaded and with the help of Fred lowered herself onto the ground, "hang on did you say Crucio?" the eldest Weasley said thinking back to what Fred had said. Willow nodded and he gasped, "Oh you poor thing,", "I'll be fine," she said drawing a deep breath and straightening her back.


"Fred, George oh I'm so sorry" Mrs Weasley burst out as everyone approached the front door, "Jeez mum," Fred said, "no need to squeeze us so hard," George said and gasped for breath to prove his point, Willow giggled, "You're all alright?" Mrs Weasley said going round to each of them in turn and hugging them, "Well" Mr Weasley started and Willow could feel him look at her, "well what?" Mrs Weasley said and soon Willow felt her gaze on her as well. "Willow dear, what happened?" she asked slowly, it was kind and soft and Willow looked up at her, slowly pulling up her sleeve, "they put the Cruciatus curse on me and underlined my scar". Mrs Weasley examined her arm, "Oh Willow" she cried out and suddenly hugged her, Willow winced as she crushed her bruises and sores. Fred flinched, "Mum! You're hurting her!" he exclaimed and pried his mother off of Willow. Willow shook her head, "it's okay I don't mind", Mrs Weasley's eyes widened, "Oh! I'm so sorry, come, I'll patch you up, get you something for the pain". She lead the younger girl inside and left everyone else outside to process everything before they too went inside.

Molly got rid of all Willow's bruises and healed her sores, soon the only trace left that Willow had ever been hurt was her underlined scar and the faint aching in her body. "I'm sorry dear I can't get rid of scars," Mrs Weasley said as she bandaged up her arm, which was still numb and hurt a little. "You are a brave girl," she said, "thank you," Willow said looking at her bandaged arm and stood up to go find the twins, as she walked away Willow heard her mutter "she will be a good influence on them, yes I do think she will".


Short chapter today, sorry wasn't quite sure how to go about things :/

Have a nice day :)))

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