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Alone. It's a word people don't use often. Alone is the perfect word to describe me though, Quinn Jackson is my name and I am 15 years old. The only reason Alone would fit my description is because, my brothers Drew and Logan are both in the Army, my mom works at a diner so she is gone almost 24/7, my dad...well my dad died in a car crash before I was born, so I don't know anything about him, and then there's Lynn Grey, my best friend. Lynn and I have been best friends since the 3rd grade...Lynn always seems to cheer me up. Most people think I have depression...but I don't, I'm just sick, I have Neuroblastoma, and if you don't know what that is pretty much for brain cancer. I have had Neuroblastoma since I was 10 and my mom can't afford it so my rich aunt does and my mom tries her very hardest just trying to get me through college when the time comes.
I go to school at SeaWater High, Lynn has a boyfriend so we sit with him at lunch, but I don't do much talking, and since I practically live off of my meds, I usually go to the nurse 30 minutes before lunch ends. Lynn knows what I'm going through and tries very hard to protect me which is another reason why she's my best friend. My brother Drew calls and writes the most, mostly because Logan is not the one going through boot camp, but he still cares, anyway...ever since Drew found out he has been trying to save up enough money to come see me, I haven't seen him since he was 17.
"Ugh! Make. It. Stop" I reach for my alarm clock, punching my desk along the way.
    "Up and at'em sunshine!" My mother yells from the kitchen.
    " there in a minute," I say as I haul myself out of bed and grabbing my black beanie, long gray and a white t-shirt, blue jeans, my red converse and start to get dressed. After I'm dressed I go brush my teeth, do my makeup, and put my glasses on. As I walk out of the bathroom I smell bacon and eggs and start running to the kitchen.
    "Morning," I say cheerily.
    "Good morning. I heard you go through you're an alarm. Twice" She looks at me with a glare that I've seen her give my brothers.
    "I know, I know, I won't do it again. But I was just really tired this morning"
    "Well...that's just how things are. And you know that" I feel a pang of embarrassment as I realize that she played the cancer card.
    " up and I made you a lunch" I furrow my eyebrows at her extended hand.
     "Why? You never do that" I take the neatly packed lunch into my hands anyway.
     "Just because I had some extra time today and you need to eat" My mom hands me two yellow pills and two blue ones, these little miracle workers have managed to keep me alive this long right? "And take those to"
I shake them in my hand "Yeah, Lynn is coming by so we can walk to school" I quickly swig down the pills with orange juice that my mother has forced me to swallow down since she read it was good for cancer patients.
    "Ok...But I'll pick you up today." Something was going on, but what?
    "May I ask why?"
     "Nope...Lynn is here have a nice day sweetie." She handed me my bag and lunch that was sitting next to me on the counter. My phone locked in my hands.
    "Thanks, mom, Love you" I waved goodbye.
I rush out to greet my best friend, Lynn Ryder. Lynn has been with me since the age of three, even though the cancer was a rough patch for us all she has stood her ground in staying with me. I give her a welcoming hug "Hey Lynn,"
"Hey, Quinn,"
  Lynn and I easily walk next to each other, talking about stupid stuff like the school newspaper and the gossip page that the nerds love to ruin people's lives with. I didn't realize that I wasn't paying attention until I was thinking about what my mom had up her sleeve for me. That stumbled my mind.
      I continue, though, to smile at Lynn. Not letter her see the question that I couldn't figure out about my own family. Once we get to school we go our separate ways. The first period makes no sense and by lunch nothing is normal.
       But I guess with cancer...nothing is normal.

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