The sensation

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Will's POV

I had no words, I was shell-shocked ........ seeing Erica scold the bullies for their work was the most courageous thing that I have seen in a while . There was a wild commotion of thoughts going on in my mind- they are a mix of wonder, to hatred for myself to many others that i feel like don't really have a name. 

 Right now, I'm feeling hatred towards myself and all others who were just watching them , doing nothing and thinking that it is not their war to fight  whereas she just came in like a femme fatale  and bashed everyone out.

 It was emotional for me cause I was bullied when i was younger too. My place and the kids near me had a really thin tolerance towards people with different choices than them and most of the times, that was the case with me.  And those snarky comments of the bullies left a deep mark on my mind , sometimes their words still echo in the valleys of my heart, like a never ending thunder, booming across all the chambers of my body. But I learned it early enough that succumbing into these thoughts and emotions was gonna drag me deeper down the roads of something i didn't want to travel.

I wonder what got into her....I have barely ever heard  her raise her voice on anyone. She is marked as a quite person in general, someone who spends more time in her thoughts than in the worries that the world has to offer. Today, it was like she wasn't Erica but someone else .

 She was so fearless and outspoken while scolding  all the bullies and even Mack,  like she felt what Jack might be feeling. Okay... I really do not feel like she was bullied and i am also not trying to undermine Jack's problems but its just a thought in the head. That she knows things can get bad and has learned to get her way out of them peacefully.

A dove flying between the cries of war, soaring high in the sky. 

 There are also many other questions popping up in my head, like why did Mack even listen to her? He has literally scolded the shit out of teachers and here he is...... listening to Erica like she is the goddamn first lady. Being the teenager that i am, my thoughts also went towards things i knew could not be true.

 Are they both connected or something? I never thought Erica can be with someone like Mack. It's a really odd pairing.... they are like polar opposites. And Erica is the kind of person who is loved by all, either as a friend, or as a supporter or even as a crush at times. She has her .. flaws, you might say but I like to call them traits.

Like how she sometimes gets so lost in a book that she is reading that she doesn't care if someone is looking or commenting at her. Or how sometimes she sits in the library and keeps writing in scattered pages and ignores if anyone tries to talk to her. 

I let my mind get over all this and use my phone for some time. I see that the school has  released the list of competitions that will happen in a while inside the campus.  All these informing things are mostly done by the coordination group and committee so we basically just get messages on our phone only.  


1.Story writing (English and French )
2.Debate(English , French and Ancient Latin)
3.Computer theory 
4.  HACKTHON ( Computer programming)
5.The 6 hours all subject quizathon.
6.Mathematics quiz ( arithmetical part)
**And for other programs, contact the drama and singing club**

I looked over the rules once and thought about taking part in the computer and mathematics quiz, I find both of them equally interesting. Guess I have a thing for logic and theorems.  

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