thirty five. final chapter.

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its almost been a year since i moved to the uk to see my brother and i honestly didnt expect any good things to come with it. i didnt expect me to start youtube which i love so much. i didnt expect me to be such great friends with jack, andy, mikey and to have an amazing boyfriend. and i defantly didnt expect for me to get better. 

"you ready, babe?" rye asked, his bag hanging off one shoulder. we were going to his house for christmas since i wasnt going anywhere else and he didnt want to leave me alone at the apartment. 

"yeah," i replied, grabbing my bag. 

we both walked out with andy and said our goodbyes. 

"have an amazing christmas, dani," andy said as he hugged me. 

"thanks, you too. dont get too drunk though," i joked. 

"no promises," he joked back. 

we said our final goodbyes before parting our separate ways. 

rye and i soon arrived at his house and he opened the door and walked in. i followed him awkwardly as he greeted his family. 

"mom, dad, this is dani, my girlfriend," rye said to his parents. 

his mom came up to me and gave me a hug, "its so nice to finally meet you. im christine." 

"same to you," i replied, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the situation. it wasnt that they made me uncomfortable, it was more of me being really awkward and not knowing what to do. 

"wheres the little ones?" rye asked. 

"downstairs im pretty sure," his dad replied. 

rye grabbed my hand and dragged me down a set of stairs. his house was honestly so confusing i dont know how he can easily get around. i would probably got lost trying to find the kitchen. 

rye said hi to his little brothers, sam and robby, and messed around with them before finding his other brother. he dragged me farther into the basement to a room that im guessing belonged to his brother. 

they greeted each other and i smiled at how loving their family was. i couldnt help but wish my family could be like this. 

when i come home all my step sister does is say a quick hi, my dad gives me a hug, then tells me to clean something up and my step mom acts like shes so happy to see me again, but i know its fake. my brother on the other hand never leaves me alone because of how much he missed me. 

"i see you got yourself a pretty fine woman," ryes brother laughed. 

"that i do," he pulled me into a side hug and kissed my cheek. 

"im bobby," (i have no idea if thats his actual name i dont really know ryes brothers names so imma just wing it and guess. same with his parents.) he stuck his hand out for me to shake. 

"dani," i replied, accepting his hand shake. 

we went back upstairs with bobby following. we socialized with his family, well, rye socialized, i just stayed quiet while i sat beside him. he had his hand around my shoulders as he talked with his dad about what touring was like. i sat there listening to them, but also picking at my nails. 

"so, dani, why did you move to the uk?" ryes mom asked. 

"i only planned on staying for a month maybe to see brooklyn and then i just stayed longer," i explained. 

"did you meet him online?" his dad asked this time. i was slightly offended by that mainly because he assumed brooklyn was my internet friend just because we lived in two different countries. 

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