thirty three.

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i woke up before the guys, like always, so i decided to just lay there on my phone. i already showered, changed and did all the other stuff in my morning routine. 

i really wasnt excited for today. it was october 1st, one of my least favourite days of the year. it was right up there with december 25th and february 14th. 

it was now an hour later and the guys were slowly waking up. it started with jack, then mikey, brooklyn, andy and lastly, rye. 

"happy birthday, babe," rye said to me, giving me a soft kiss. 

"thanks, babe," i half smiled. 

"its gonna be a great day," he reassured me, knowing the reason why i dislike this day. 

blair, andy and mikey walked back into the room with a birthday cake with a few candles on it. andy held the camera and they all started singing happy birthday. 

"dani, get down here. i cant blow out the candles without you," brooklyn said after everyone finished singing. 

i climbed off the bed and sat across from him. we both blew out the candles before blair handed brooklyn a knife to cut it with. 

we all got a piece of cake, well everyone except me. i wasnt too hungry and i didnt like chocolate cake, which they already knew. 

mikey and andy handed brooklyn a card that was still in the plastic, it was a thing with them, and then told me they all got me something but i couldnt know until later. 

while the guys joked around and had fun, i sat there staring down at my phone. i was waiting for a text from anyone of my friends or family back in canada wishing me a happy birthday. it didnt happen though. 

after an hour of waiting, i gave up and went to make myself a cup of coffee. 

"everything okay?" andy asked as he walked into the kitchen. 

i was just staring at the coffee maker as it poured into my cup.

"yeah, why wouldnt it be?" i lied with a fake smile. 

"i dont know, you just seem a bit off today. you sure youre okay?" 

"im sure." 

he left it alone as he made himself some breakfast. 

i finished making my coffee before i walked back into the living room and sat beside rye. i heard my phone go off so i looked at it with excitement, hoping it was someone from back home. it was just a spam text though. 

i deleted the message before leaning back on the couch. rye put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. he kissed the top of my head before continuing his vlog. 

my phone went off again. this time it was a text from my dad. 

dad: hows everything going? 

dani: good. 

dad: k. happy birthday. 

i didnt reply, mainly because i was slightly mad. i dont know why it hurt me so much, he said happy birthday like i wanted, but i guess it was just i expected him to say it before asking how it was going. 

i know, i shouldnt be so mad about it and i should be thankful for what i get, but ive always wanted my birthdays to be special and i just wanted to be normal. 

up until sherry moved in, my dad did try his best to give me the best day with the little money we had, but stopped after a while. he used to buy me an ice cream cake from dairy queen because that was the only cake i really liked, he would take me to my favourite restaurant, and then give me the best present he could. most of the time it was just a doll i wanted because i was little and thats what i liked, but then after sherry moved in, she would make a homemade cake, which i never ate, she would cook a supper, which i didnt eat because it was always something they liked and not me, and then they would give me something small like a few guitar pics or something. i was thankful for what they got me, but i still missed when it was just my dad and i. 

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