Chapter One- Pilot

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MacKenzie's POV 

"Hey, Mack." My brother, Ronnie, says, walking into the cortex with his fiancé.

"Hey." I say with a smile, uncrossing my legs from sitting on the desk which I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to sit on. The cortex was kinda crowded today, being the launch of the particle accelerator and all. Today was one of the few days that I was allowed in STAR labs, cause I'm only 11 and Dr. Wells thinks that I'll "mess stuff up", but Ronnie sneaks me in, A LOT.

"What are you up to?" Ronnie's fiancé, Caitlin, asks me.

"Nothin' much, Cait." I say, looking around and then saying in a lower voice. "Just trying to stay under Dr. Wells' radar." Cait nods and Ronnie gives me a hug.

"I'm so glad you're here and I don't have to sneak you around the building." Ronnie says, squeezing me and squeeze him back.

"I wouldn't miss your big day for anything." I say, letting go of him.

"Good to hear." Ronnie says. "Now, go eat. You need some meat on those bones." He tells me, referring to my wiry frame.

"I guess." I say, crossing my arms over my flat stomach. I'm 11 and I only weigh, like, 50 pounds, I'm a little self conscious about it.

Anyways, I walk over to the food table and look around at all the people dressed in nice dresses and suits. Dr. Wells told me that if I was gonna come, I had to wear something nice. So, I wore my purple shirt underneath my jean overall shorts some nice black converse sneakers and my favorite gold cross necklace that Ronnie got for me when I was a baby. So, hey, I tried to dress nice, but I'm only a kid, so I can pull it off.

Anyways, while I was looking at all the food options and almost gagging at the amount of meat there was, I bumped into Cisco.

"Hey, Mack." Cisco greets and I give him a smile. "You ready to see this particle accelerator launch?"

"Yup." I say. "Can't wait." I tell him.

A little while later after the press conference that Dr. Wells wouldn't let me go to, everyone was crowded in the middle, ready to turn on the particle accelerator.

"Here we go." Dr. Wells says. He clicks a button on the computer screen and that was it.

"That's it? You'd think there'd be, like, a loud bang or something." Cisco says.

"If there's loud bang, we'd all be in trouble." Ronnie says with Caitlin by his side.

"Take it from the man who built it." Caitlin says, giving him a kiss and I smile at how happy they are. Dr. Wells opens a bottle and the stuff in it starts to float. Then, something crashes.

"Was that..." Cisco asks.

"A loud bang." Ronnie finishes. A lot of commotion happens and I get really scared, backing up into the corner while everyone yells and runs around frantically. "It's gonna be okay, Mack." Ronnie says, coming over to me and putting his hands on my shoulders. "I'm gonna go down there and fix this." He says to me. He takes his silver cross necklace from around his neck and put it around mine. "Keep this safe for me." He says. He starts to leave but I stop him and jump into his arms.

"I love you." I whisper into his shoulder with tears in my eyes.

"I love you too." Ronnie says. "I'm coming back. I promise." He tells me, wiping away my tears with his thumb and kissing my forehead. I watch him try to leave and him kiss Caitlin before grabbing Cisco and running down to the accelerator ring.

Staying in here with everyone yelling makes me nervous so I run out of the cortex crying. I run all the way out of STAR labs and into the pouring rain.

I only know how to do two important things in life. Pray and run.

So that's what I do. I run through the rain and pray for Ronnie as he fixes the accelerator until I get knocked off my feet by a powerful blast, throwing me down the streets.

"Ronnie." I whisper before I slip out of consciousness. 


This is my first fanfiction on Wattpad and I hope you enjoy it. This is the first chapter and it isn't very long, but I needed a base for the story so I can build up on it. Next chapter will be out soon. 


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