XLI. Leaving?

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·Chapter Seven·
Times has changed

When Rowan was missing, I went to everyone and no one gave me a lead. Of course I checked the Reds first but I couldn't dig up nothing. I even went to Ta'Joe, Rowan's old boyfriend from three years ago and he was even shocked that she was gone. I wanted to think he had something to do with it but...he seemed pretty legit annoyingly. Days and days went by and still I couldn't find my girlfriend.
//One week later, June 17th//
[Royal's Pov]

"Have you talked to Molly lately? I haven't seen her in a while after she promised to help me look for Rowan" I asked Mike over the phone, driving to go to a diner up north.

"Nah, homes. I thought she went with you..., maybe she's just around like alway" he said.

"Yeah. Any luck finding Ro though?"

"Nope but I'm still trying to find some kind of lead. You'll find her man, don't worry too much"


After parking my car out front of the small diner, I got out and went inside to meet Travis. For some reason, he wanted to....talk to me. He said it was serious too.

I found him sitting at a booth and sipping on a cup of tea it seems. I came up and greeted him right away, then took my seat across from him.

"I ordered you a glass of brew" he said, putting his tea down on the saucer.

"Thanks. So what's up?"

He looked around nervously and leaned in to talk lowly. "Look, I know you're from the Brotherhood Mob--"

I drew my Beretta M9 immediately and wasted no time aiming it at his head from across the table. He backed away slowly and raised his hands. "Okay...., there's no need for that. Just let me finish"

"Carry on" I said simply, staring him in the eyes as my gun stayed up.

He sighed. "I want to...help you. I know where they're keeping that girl of yours"

My eyes widened. "Spit" I demanded, adjusting my grip on my M9.

"I heard Ta'Joe attacked the place and brought her in because Frisco wanted her. I don't know where she is but I'm pretty sure....Ta'Joe and Frisco know"

I lowered my weapon and looked away to think. "I know that son of a bitch had her, he played it cool because I was on to him. Thank you. But since I'm about to...go get my girl back and kill both of those dickheads next,....I need your help"

"On what?"

"I need Frisco distracted while I put Ta'Joe in the ground. That way it'll buy me more time to finally go after him next"

"Okay. I'll see what I can do..."

"I'm trusting you, which is something I never do. If you double cross me, there won't be nothing left of your body when I finished. But if you do good by me and...I pull this shit off, I'll pay you and give you a decent....opportunity at a position"

//That Night//

Travis: Im sure 6 bitches is enough to keep him busy for tonight. He's loving it

Me: good. Thx man

I put my phone back into my pocket and got out of my car, now in front of Ta'Joe's place here in the lower bottoms. I ducked down immediately when I saw Henry peeking out of the windows, probably from hearing my door close in the distance. Something had to be up if Henry was here.

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