XXXV. Baby Mama

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~~~~~[Lauren's Pov]

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[Lauren's Pov]

When I heard him slam the door and storm back into the living room, my smiled disappeared. He was so angry with her...and I'm pretty sure with me too. Not saying a word, he poured himself a drink off the coffee table and sat down on the main couch.

"Damn, you good?" I chuckled.

"Lauren, just leave me alone for the night..." he said, sipping his glass before turning the tv up.

I nodded my head in response and made myself comfortable on his loveseat, pulling the blanket that he had hanging down and wrapped it around my body. ...What a day...

//2 months later, December 12th//
[Royal's Pov]

So after me and Rowan got into that little petty fight, the girl just didn't talk to me anymore. We really stopped fucking with each other after that and I didn't even see her around that much. She was just living her life and I heard she was seeing somebody new now. Yeah, I felt like "damn" she was seeing anotha nigga already but hey....I never claimed her so it was bound to happen eventually. I still care about her but we all know I don't chase after girls for that long, so...I just did me and focused on my kid.

At least I still had Lauren...

Finishing up my cereal, I put the dishes in the sink and walk over to Lauren on the couch. Taking the seat next to her and fooling around by playfully bumping into her. "So..."

"So what?" she smiled, looking over at me.

"How you doing today?"

"I'm okay, I just feel so....big, you know. Look at me...., look at my ankles" she laughed, lifting her feet up to show me.

"I heard that happens. I also noticed that you've been sleeping a lot now a days"

"I have to get my rest so I can push this baby out when the time comes. He's still growing in there and kicking me like crazy too" she said, rubbing her stomach.

"Shit, look at yo belly button now. Its kind of cute"

She smiled. "I think I finally know what I want his middle name to be"

"Let's hear it.." I said, rubbing her stomach now.

"Do you like the name, Floyd?"

I thought that was funny. "Why because of the fight last night? You wanna name our kid after the legendary boxer huh? Mm, I actually wouldn't mind that.."

"So,'s going to be Royal Floyd Johnson Jr?"

"Shit, that's one hell of a name. I like it though, thank you for giving him a name after me.."

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