II. Mama

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Walking home now from my middle school now since my mom didn't answer the phone to come pick me up, I had to walk home. Luckily it wasn't too too far, maybe I need to walk anyways. People always called me fat so...

Walking was tiring though, when I got to the end of the block from my school...I was tired and hungry. But something drove me to look back suddenly as heard footsteps approaching closely. When I saw a group of boys following me, I broke out running immediately. I knew what it meant when niggas followed you.

But I lost my breath rather quickly and slowed up, falling from a push one of the guys did to trip me. I fell down and turned on my side, meeting their kicks and punches all in my stomach and back at every angle.

"Ha, you know you can't run, fat ass"

The main one picked me up by my collar and punched me in the face to make my nose bleed again, while the other niggas jumped me from the back.

"Okay okay! Stop! He had enough Tyson! Stop" I heard Rowan's voice plead.

They dropped me roughly to the ground and backed off. "Next time you call my girl a bitch, you better think twice!" he kicked me in the stomach as an end statement.

"Stop okay, just go..." she got in front of him and pushed him and his crew the other way.

I sat up slowly and kept my hold on my throbbing stomach, meeting her face as she bent down to me. "You okay?"

"Leave me alone--" I said and tried to get up again.

"I'm sorry he beat you up like this, now your nose is bleeding and I feel bad..."

I rolled my eyes and limped over to grab my book bag, making my way back home again and scared because it was getting dark.

"Yo, it's Royal right? Nigga I said sorry, what you upset now. Man up..."

"I said leave me alone bitch!" I yelled in her face, losing my temper.

"There you go with that fucking word again!" she pulled out a gun surprisingly and pointed it at me.

"No wait--I'm sorry" I pleaded, holding up my hands.

"Fuck you, I tried to apologize to ya fat ass and you taking that for granted. Just get the fuck out of here before I shoot you" she clicked something on the gun.

I turned away so fast and pushed through the pain to walk away from her fast enough. Who was I kidding..., I was a bitch to everyone.😔

// At home //

I walked in through the door exhausted and got the attention of my mother as she walked up to me.

"Where were you and what happened?" she grabbed my chin.

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