Chapter 7

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But just look at that picture. *Dies from cuteness and sexyness (new word now).*

*Currently watching Handy Manny while typing this*

Hope you enjoy this. 😋

All the love-A ❤

"D-David?" Harry's hands start to sweat. He attempted to dry his hands on his jeans, but as soon as his hands brush his jeans, David roughly grabs his wrists.

"N-no, please not now." He whimpers, tears threatening to fall.

"Aww is someone about to cry. Want me to call for your mommy?" David pulls Harry out of his chair. Harry cries out an "ow!" when he hits the floor. David laughs at this and kneels down to whisper in Harry's ear. "Now let's get to the fun part." And lands a kick to Harry's stomach.


"Mr. Tomlinson, would you kindly tell us what has you so distracted outside?" His history teacher says. All eyes in the class turn to look at him.

"Oh sure, if you insist. I'm looking at that lovely couple who is having sex right next to a tree." He says with a straight face still looking out the window. The whole class fills with laughter. His teacher, Ms.Gilbert, gives him a unamused look.

"We do not allow that type of behavior in this class. Go to the office right now." She points a wrinkly finger to the door.

"What? I'm being serious. Look." His friend Lily, who is in three of his classes, gets up and looks out the window.

"Oh, he is serious." People try to crowd around the window.

"Hey, hey! Everyone get back to their seats! Mr. Tomlinson, close those blinds."

After that fiasco was over, Louis raised his hand.

"Yes Louis?" Ms. Gilbert says annoyed.

"Can I go to the loo?" Ms. Gilbert nods. Louis happily gets up from his seat and walks out the door.


As Louis is walking down the hallway, he hears thuds coming from the bathroom. He picks up his pace to get there faster. When he gets to the door, the sound behind the door is someone groaning. Louis hesitates before walking inside, only to gasp loudly at the sight in front of him. Harry is on the floor with tears streaming down his face, trying to protect his face from the kicks and punches with his arms. Louis runs over to David and pushes him, causing him to stumble into the sinks.

"What the fúck do you think you're doing!!" Louis sneers at David. He helps Harry on the floor, only for Harry to wince when he touches his sides. "I'm sorry Harry. I'll be right back." Louis turns around to see David hunching over the sink.

"Oh look, the faggots boyfriend trying to act all tough." David says giving a challenging look at Louis. (A/N: I hate using that word.)

"Shut up, jus-just shut up and leave before I get the principal or something." Louis shoves David out the bathroom door and locks it once he's gone. He sighs and turns around to see the green eyed boy sniffling and wiping his tears.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Even though he knows the question is dumb, he still asked just in case.

"Does it look like I'm alright."

"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to say." Louis says giving Harry a sympathetic look.

"It's ok"

After helping Harry, Louis and Harry make their way towards the nurse office. The bell rings, signaling that 4th period is over and it's time for lunch. Both boys make their way to said room, locking the brakes on Harry's chair, Louis makes sure he's ok before leaving and going to the lunch room.


"Like, I know she dating someone, she just doesn't want to tell me." Louis says, he's picking at his nails, balancing the phone between his shoulder and cheek.

"And how'd you know she's dating someone?" Lily says on the other line.

"Because she keeps on coming home late. And-and! She always has to look good for 'late business work', like please I'm not stupid." Louis sarcastically says while rolling his vibrant blue eyes.

"Louis calm down."Lily laughs at his tone.

"Don't tell me to calm down! Now bye 'cause she's calling me right now." He hangs up after she says her farewells. He presses the 'Accept' button then pits the device on speaker. "Hello mum."

"Hi Louis. I have a small favor to ask you." He hums to let her know she can continue. "Well my boss is making me stay a little longer in the office, to help a new employee."

"And this favor is?" He's not even paying attention to her. To busy looking at shirtless pictures of Johnny Depp (young Depp obvi). He hears her tell his name, hes trying to hard not to groan. "Yes?"

"Did you even hear me?"

"Uh, yes I did." (Haha LIES)

"Mhm, what'd I say then."she says in an accusing tone. He doesn't answer for a couple of seconds. "Excatly. I asked if you can watch ur siblings tonight."

He pretends to strangle the air. Taking a deep breath, he counts to ten to calm down. When he picks up the phone, Louis puts on a fake cherry voice. "Yup, I can totally watch those perfect, amazing, angelic kids of yours."

"Thank you. Now I'll see you later tonight, love you and bye." She hangs up.

"I knew you were getting laid behind our backs." Louis says to no one in particular. He gets up from his bed, goes downstairs to tell the girls the situation. They order pizza for dinner because Jay does not trust Louis with the kitchen after almost starting a fire a couple years back. He walks over to the fridge, opening it only to realize that someone ate his piece of cake from an event he went to. He furrowed his eyebrows and walk to the living room with his hands on his hips. Felicite is sitting on the ottoman with her iPad in her hands giggling. Louis stomps over to her.

"Hey Fiz?"

Her shoulders slump, and she looks up at her brother. "What?"

"Do you know who ate my cake?"

"No, it was probably Daisy. I saw her with frosting on her fingers." She waves him off and goes back to her game.

He throws his hands in the air, then exclaims, "Why can't I go one day were no one eats my food! I swear I'm living with fúcking pack rats."

Fizzy laughs at his choice of words. "Maybe it wo-." Her sentence gets cut off as Louis ringtone of 'House of Memories' blares through the room. He puts a finger up at Fizzy and answers the phone.

"Ello, Louis here."



"Help me."


Ehhh I told u it was gonna be on one of the days.

Isn't just fun watching a 2 yr old that bosses u around 😊 (bonus: I get to watch Super Why, Ponyo and Handy Manny.)

ANYWAYS! Suck lollipops and love Larry.

All the love-A ❤


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