Chapter 3

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I'm in summer school so updates might be slow.

Hope u enjoy!

All the love-A ❤


*The next day*

"Harry." He feels a light shove on his shoulders.

"Harry, can you please wake up?"

"Noooo, let me sleep." He grumbles into his pillow.

Gemma huffs and stared down at her stubborn brother. "You have to go to school. Mum said so because you can't skip another day." He doesn't budge, so Gemma does something she knows will make her brother mad. Harry feels a cold breeze on his bare chest and automatically brings his arms up to shield himself.

"What the hell Gemma?" He glares at her. She shrugs her shoulders and walks over to his dresser. Grabbing a white shirt and blue jeans, Gemma throws them at Harry, who is still laying on his bed shivering.

"Mom will be up here in a little bit, so you better hurry up and get dressed. Tata!" Gemma leaves with a final wave at her brother. Harry grumbles and puts his shirt on and struggles a little with putting his pants on.


"If any of you need any help with the prompt, I'll be at my desk. Now get to work." Ms. Wolver said while sitting in her chair.

10 minutes later, the door opened. All the kids looked up to see this principal standing there with a figure right behind him.

"Hello Ms. Wolver, you have someone new joining your class today." He moves the hidden in front of him, then leaves.

"Hello I'm Ms. Wolver and you are?" She brings her hand out to shake.

"My name is Louis Tomlinson." He returns her handshake.

"Oh, well Louis just have a seat in any empty one." She goes to sit back in her chair. Louis looks around the class to look for a empty seat and finds one in the middle row. As he is walking to his chair, he can feel eyes staring at him and it annoys him.

"Do you people want a picture or not?" He says as he looks around the class and see people turn their heads back to their work. " That's​ what I thought." He grumbled under his breath. He realizes that he doesn't know what they're doing, so he looks to his right and sees a girl looking at her paper in concentration. He taps her on the shoulder, and she looks at him with wide blue eyes.

"Yes?" She looks annoyed that someone interrupted her work.

" Uh I don't know what we're doing, so it'll be nice if you can help me." Louis gives her a toothy grin. She exhales loudly and turned ​her body to face him.

"Ok all we're doing is just writing something from the prompt on the board." She points to the board where 'PROMPT' is written big on the board.

" Oh it's that obvious eh?" He chuckles. " Thank you by the way..." He looks at her expectedly.

"Lily." She tells him then goes right back to her paper.

He sighs. Well this is gonna be fun.


The cafeteria is full of stupid people, Harry thinks to himself. Stupid people who think they can just separate into different groups and label people from how they look. He heard of a new kid who's in year 13, but he hasn't gotten the chance to see him yet. And he hopes he doesn't, it's just gonna be the same, a new person David is going to recruit to torment Harry even more. Harry hates school, he hates people, and he especially hates David.

"Whatcha thinking in that mysterious head of yours Harreh?" Lola sits in the chair opposite of him. Curious brown eyes look at him.

"Um, t-there's a new kid in year 13." He says quietly. She looks at him understanding.

"Harry, not every older kid will be like him ok?" She puts her hand on his hand in a comforting manner.

"Yeah I know, it's just that most of them are." He picks at his sandwich.

"We'll try to know him before David gets the chance." She calmly tells him.

He scoffs at her. "Like the new kid, need I remind you a senior, is not gonna want to befriend someone like me." He resumes back to his sandwich.

"You never know if you don't try."


"Next time stay out my way Styles." David kicks Harry in the stomach one last time before walking away. Harry almost vomits by the pressure of the kick. With shaky arms, he drags his body over to his chair and tries to get up, but he can't with the strong pain in his abdomen. He would call Gemma, but he doesn't want to bother her with all his problems. He hears faint voices down the hallway, and it sounds like teachers talking. Great now they're gonna call my mum, he silently groans to himself.

"No, that won't d- Mr. Styles?" It doesn't faze Harry that every teacher probably knows his name. Thanks to being the only one in this school who is handicap, which he hates.

"Do you need some help?" Both teachers speed walk over to him.

"No I'll just stay on the floor- of course I need help." He mumbled to himself. Turning his head in the direction of the adults, he gives them a small smile and nods at the question.

"My name is Ms. Day and this is Miss Vik." She pointed to the teacher standing next to her. "Can you bring his chair closer?" Miss Vik moves it behind Harry. After Ms. Day helps Harry into his chair, Miss Vik is about to situate his legs before he stops her. She looks up at him in confusion.

"I-I got it, but thank you for helping." They nod their heads at him then resume to what they were doing before they helped him. "Guess I'll go to class with a aching stomach, it's nothing I'm not used too." He says under his breath. Taking a bathroom break was a terrible idea, getting more bruises from David to getting embarrassed by teachers who you don't even know see you in your weakest state.


Sorry for the wait, but at least it's here.
BUT LETS TALK ABOUT BACK TO YOU!!!! CAN'T​ WAIT 12 MORE DAYS!!And like recently I just found out a lyric in Strip That Down says "U know I used to be in 1D (Now I'm free)" lol I thought it said something else. And also thank you for reading this terribly written story.😊

Ok I'll stop now

All the love-A ❤


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