Chapter 6

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Thanks to Xx_Styleroids_xX for the amazing new cover❤

Sorry if I took too long to update this but(t).........ITS HEEEERRRE💃.

Lol just got finished #rr Nudes, so now I keep saying shakalaka



When they got to the park, there was no words being exchanged between the two boys. So Louis decided to take matters into ​his own hands.

"Sooo, it's pretty quiet out here don't​ ya think?" He folded his hands behind his back while staring at Harry.

"Well it is eight forty-seven, I don't think people are at parks this late."

"I guess you're​ right about that." There was slight tension in the air, and Louis remembered that they haven't quite finished getting to know each other that much when they last spoke at his house. "Hey Harry." He got a hum in return from Harry. "Do you maybe want to sit down for at bit and talk?"

Harry rolled his eyes at him. "Yeah, sure whatever. Let's get to talking." They both stared at the others eyes for a split second and Harry swore he saw something flash in Louis' eyes.

Once Louis sat on the somewhat damp bench, he turned his body to face Harry. He clasped his tiny hands on his lap.

"Ok, first question that has been on my mind for the past couple of days, does your... you know... your bum hurt from sitting on it all day?"

"Is that seriously the question that has been on your mind all this time?" Louis nodded confidentiality. Harry did his loud laugh which doesn't happen often, so whoever witnesses it should appreciate the moment. "Um, I mean, yeah sometimes it's uncomfortable but I'm used to dealing with it. Any other question?"

"Yeah, just let it come back to my head."


"I got it! I wanna know...Is it just your legs you can't fell and move or is it your whole lower half?" He did want to ask Anne or Gemma, but he wanted truthful answers from Harry.

"Nope, just my legs that I can't feel or move. I know what your next question was going to be." Louis looks confused so Harry's sighs and looks at Louis straight in his eyes so he won't lose contact. "You wanna know if I can't feel my arse or dick." (Yea, take some notes for later loueh 😏😏😏😏)

A look of embarrassment crosses Louis' face at Harry's blunt statement. He coughs into his hand. "Ahh, oh w-wow. Umm, y-you didn't have to say it like that."

"Yes I did or you would have made yourself awkward by avoiding the words. But to answer you....nah I don't think you need to know that." Harry giggles at Louis' bright red cheeks.

Louis shakes his head. "You're something else Styles. Definitely something else."

☀☀ Napoleon Dynamite

It was a lazy Tuesday afternoon for Harry, and he decided that it's been a while since he's went over to his der friend Jessica's house. So he was gonna pay her a visit.

"So he basically just wanted to know that for future reference." Jessica or Jess which Harry calls her, both were in her room catching up on each other's lives.

"No, he doesn't want to know for 'future reference', he's just being nosey asking personal questions." He takes a sip from his tea only to forget it's still scorching hot (and R.I.P Harry's taste buds).

"But seriously, can you feel it?" She wiggles her eyebrows at him. Harry turns to her mortified at the question.

"Jess!! Ew no, please don't ask me that ever again." Jess is rolling and cackling on her bed. "You're ew, just ew. I can't with you right now."

"No Harry I'm sorry!" She keeps on laughing as Harry wheels himself to the lounge. "Come back here Edward!" She groans when he doesn't. When Jess got to the lounge, she sits on the recliner chair next to Harry. "You gonna ignore me now."

"No, it's just I don't get why people ask me that question- and I've known you for four years, so I probably told you when we were younger." He grumbles and folds his arms. For the next three hours they spent together consisted of eating unhealthy snacks and drinks while watching crappy TV.

In the middle of arguing over which male celebrity is hotter, Harry's phone lights up flashing the name 'Mum💜' pops up. He clicks the answer button.


"Harry, I'm on my way to pick you up ok?"

He glanced at the clock on the wall reading 9:17. Time flew by fast.

"Yea ok mum. See you in a few."

He hung up then turned to Jess.

"My mum is coming to get me, so bye bítch."

"Well goodbye to you too, you asshóle. Hope not to see you again."

☀☀ Daddy Nek

[From: Lewis]

R u coming to school tomorrow?

[To: Lewis]

Yes mum, I won't miss another day.

[From: Lewis]

Why'd u skip anyway?

[To: Lewis]

Night Louis😊

☀☀Hunny Aurt

Harry's sat in the front row of the class not even paying attention to anything that Mr. Dean was lecturing to the class about, instead he is more focused on the trees outside. He only has a week left to fully complete his science project on kindness, it wouldn't be that hard to do alone but he wouldn't mind a little help from someone. He would ask for some extra help, but it's extremely obvious that no one in this school likes him or wants to help aside from Louis but you never know.

Harry shyly raised his hand in the middle of class 'cause he has to use the restroom really bad. He's been holding it in for ten minutes and he regrets doing that, then it's gonna take him a long time to go there and ge-

"Yes Mr. Styles?"

"May I please u-use the restroom?" His cheeks heated up when he heard some laughter and whispering in the back. Mr. Dean nodded then returned his focus to the class.

On his way to the bathroom he heard faint sounds of shoes touching the ground. He didn't pay any mind to it and went to relieve himself. Once he was done and opened the stall door, his face paled at the sight in front of him.

"Didn't know it took someone ​fifteen minutes just to use the loo." He can recognize that nasty smirk anywhere.

Yup. He's fúcked.


Soooo got called a hoe by my sister and replied with saying. "I'm a proud hoe."

Also showed my mum what froting is......She didn't take that well so I got smacked in the face 😊😊 how great is that.(If ya wanna read a scene about froting, go to "Chapter 115: Boyfriend ⚠" on the story Confessions of a Gay Disney Prince (yes this is a promo) that part was hot👅💦)

But ANYWAY THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING THISSSSS, I feel so proud of myself for once.

If you were wondering or confused about the random 2words next to the *☀☀* was........I was just being my natural dumb self.

All the fúcking love biatch-A ❤

      P.S.- Shakalaka

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