Chapter 9

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The pic...*cries of shirt mammary*

I just wanted to add this vid because I was watching it while writing this and also I love Freddieismyqueen.💙💚


All the love-A ❤


*Previously on HMS*

"-We've been informed that there is a dead body in your house."

"WHAT!?" Harry and Gemma say at the same time.


Gemma almost dropped Harry from where she was helping him out the car. He frantically grabbed her arm, making red crescent marks show from how hard he's gripping her. Gemma winces at the burn but let it slide.

"What d'you mean "dead body" in my house?" Anne said, not believing anything the officer was saying.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you and your family to stay where you are standing. We have to search the house for more evidence." The officer guided the Styles/Twist bunch to the end of the driveway. Gemma gasped as she saw the paramedics walk out of the front door with a covered body on a stretcher. Getting a good look at the body, Harry's face paled when he saw who it was.



"Why would someone do something like that!?" Louis removes his phone from his ear from how loud Harry's voice is.

"I don't know Harold. Maybe it's someone you or your family have beef with?"

"I have beef with no one, people, for some unknown reason, just don't like me."

"No, don't say that Harry. People do like you." Louis tries​ to convince Harry, but its not working. "Me, Jess, Lily, and your family lik-well more like love you."

Harry snorts. "You're absolutely right Louis, my family does love me." He sarcastically says.

"Excuse me bub, I'm the only person allowed to use sarcasm." Louis chuckled. Harry's breath hitched at the nickname. Louis heard the sound, confused at first then realizing what he said. "Ah-uh sorry for calling you tha-"

"It's ok boo, don't worry your big bum off." Harry giggles.

Louis loved his giggles. The softness in is giggle made Louis' heart flutter.

"Oi, have you been staring at me bum!" Louis exclaims over dramatically.

"Yup, it's my full time job to stare at that marvelous piece of arse." Harry says.


Harry big, green doe eyes widened when turning his head and seeing the mortified face of his mum. "I have to go Louis. Bye!" He hastily hangs up the phone and sheepishly smiled at his mum with pink tinted cheeks.


Zayn. Zayn Malik.

That name sounds so familiar to Louis but he can't seem to remember where he heard it. He briefly remembers hearing a girl in his study hall mention something​ about her boyfriend going to see Zayn that same day.

Not wanting to stress himself out even more, he was on his way to lunch. He was going to sit at a table with Lily and Harry. Harry wasn't thrilled at first to meeting new people, he has a small case of anthropophobia. He's seen her in the hallways before, but that means nothing. But from what Louis has told him, he gonna give it a chance.

As he walked into the lunchroom, he spotted a head of chocolate curls that belonged to the green eyed boy, who was accompanied by Lily. He ignored the grumbling his stomach made, and quickly made his way over to their table.

"Hey Harry! Hey Lily!" Louis said, making both of them jump.

"Jesus Lou." Lily put her hand over her heart. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Aw dámn, would have sucked if I succeed." He looks over at Harry, then randomly wraps both arms around his neck and snuggles into him. "I bet my cute wittle Hazza is excited to see me. Aren't you?" Louis teasingly pinched Harry's cheeks.

Harry smacked his hands from his face. "I don't miss you anymore now."

Lily laughed at Harry, only to laugh harder when Louis glared at her.

"Shut up." Louis pretended to be professional by folding his hands on the table. He cleared his throat. "Ok, so I brought you both here so you can meet properly. So, Harry meet Lily. Lily meet Harry."

"We were already talking before your slow áss came." Lily says sipping her tea(hehe). Louis rolls his eyes.

"Why do I feel like the only reason people talk to me is 'cause of my bum?" Louis fake cries into his hands.

"Because that is the truth." Harry says in a fake sympathetic tone. Getting a smack on the leg in return. He looks up at Louis with a blank stare and says. "That didn't hurt."

"Ugh, I keep forgetting you can't feel your legs. Sorry Harry." He gives Harry's arm a squeeze as an apology. "Ok so now let's get to knowing each other....."


Harry and Gemma were in their living room watching pointless movies while Anne and Robin were at the station. They were still trying to wrap their heads around the incident with the body.

"I met Louis' friend, Lily, today." Harry says out of the blue. Gemma glances at him from her peripheral vision. Not wanting to miss the break up scene between the couple in the movie.

"You did? Was she nice? Was she mean? Do I have to fight her? Do I have to cut Louis' balls off for making you meet her?" She said while counting off from her fingers.

Harry frantically shook his head laughing at her. "No! You don't have to do any of that, Gems. To answer your question, she is nice." Harry said.

Gemma hummed in approval. Not liking the thought of another person bullying her brother at school. Harry is grateful for a sister who cares deeply for him. He doesn't know if he would be here if she wasn't in his life.


"It's true! I'm not gonna have nice things. Fancy things. Listen, it's never gonna happen for me."

"I don't have to go to school."

"And this is why relationships are trash." Gemma says a chewing her popcorn with Harry laying across her lap. "There is always that one problem they can't fix."

"At least they get together later on at the end." Harry grabs a handful of popcorn from the bowl. He has to take a piss, but he doesn't want to disturb Gemma from watching "The Notebook".

"Harry, I feel you squirming, what do you need?"

"I-I need to wee" he fiddles with a loose string on his shirt.

Gemma sighs and gets up to roll Harry's chair over to him. After she helps him in the bathroom, she leaves to resume the movie even after her brother asked her not to.

The sound of the doorbell ringing goes through the house. Gemma throws her head back on the couch and groans. Mumbling colorful words under her breath, she opens the door only to groan again when she sees who it is.

"What do you want?"


Does that count as a cliffhanger??? Idk.

Did you expect the dead body to be Zayn?


All the love-A ❤


(I know nothing about police work and all that crap, so that's y there is barely any police talk. :))

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