Chapter 19

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Ok, sorry for that.

Im so happy :)

Hope you enjoyyyyy!

All the love- A❤


Louis saw the look on her face. "Wh-why are you making that face." He moved closer to the hospital bed, only to see red splattered on the sheets.

Dr. Sanders turned to the worried faces. "Im going to need you all to step out of the room."

"What, why?" Anne said, looking over to her son who is groaning in pain.

Dr. Sanders turned to Harry opening his hospital gown, trying to figure out wear the blood spots came from. "We have to check him over." She replied calmly as three other docters walked throught the doors, leading Anne, Robin, Louis, and Destiny out the room.


"We've been out here for almost two hours!" Louis tightly grips the roots of hia hair.

"Louis sweety, calm down please." Anne said gently taking his hands from his hair. She led him to one of the hard chairs. "It's ok, the nurse said hes doing fine so far."

"Excatly, so far. What if something happens to him, the baby!? What if I lose them! I cant lose either one. What if they-"

His words were cut off as Anne put her hand over his mouth to silence him. "Shh. Calm down Louis, we don't want you in here too."

He looked over to see Robin reading a Magazine and next to him, where Destiny was taking a nap.  How can they be so calm at a time like this? He thought to himself.

"Harry Styles?" A nurse said, walking out with a small smile on her face.

Louis stood up as Anne woke Destiny up and Robin closed the magazine. "We're his family."

She gestured them to follower her. "Follow me please." (Me @ Harry, Louis, Liam, and Niall.) The nurse led them down the hall towards a closed door. "He is only allowed two in at once. The doctor will be here shortly."

Anne pushed Louis to the door. "Go in sweety, he might want to talk to you first. "

Louis gave her a grateful smile. He took a deep breath before opening the door. Harry was quietly watching TV, he looked over when he heard the door creak, a large smile came over his face at the sight of Louis.

"Louis!" He cried out. Louis ran straight into Harry's opened arms.

Tears started pooling out of Louis' blue eyes. "Oh my gosh, you're ok. Don't scare me like that again." He repeatedly placed kisses on Harry's soft lips.

"Its ok Louis, our baby is fine. The docter said its normal to "spot" at 3 months," He murmured against Louis' lips. "but mine came early because my condition." He said, watching Louis place a protective hand over his small noticeable bump.

"Great! Both of my babies are ok. Oh your mom, Robin, and your cousin are out waiing for you." He massaged his boyfriends lower abdomen.

Harry nodded, to lazy to speak. His eyes followed Louis as he opened the door lettignt he other three in. (They dont follow rules)

Anne walked over giving him a kiss on his forehead. "Hey love, we just talked to the docter outside and he told us what happend."

Destiny whispered softly as she gave Harry a hug. "He also said you can be checked out tomorrow."

ON HOLD!! Help Me Stand //Larry Stylinson // (Mpreg) Where stories live. Discover now