Chapter 4

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This has nothing to do with the chap I think(the pic)??? But kms, the fetus days😍

Hope(u wearing ur best clothes) you enjoy this one!!

All the love-A ❤


"Louis!!" Jay yelled at the bottom of the stairs to get her son. She heard stomping feet coming closer to the top. Louis comes around the corner with a tired​ look on his face.

"Yes?" He rubs his eyes with the back if his hand.

"Were you seriously sleeping? Louis dear, it's 11am, I thought I had Daisy wake you up." Louis looks at her with a bored expression. "But that's besides the point. I'm going to need your help with dinner later."

"Why do I need to help? I need my rest for school."

" You go back to school in two days so shut your trap. And I need your help 'cause I invited a friend from work over and her family." Jay walked away after she made sure her son would help out. Going back to his room, Louis slumped right back on his bed.

"Just ten more minutes then I'll get up." He sighed into his pillow closing his eyes.


It turned out to be a two hour nap instead of a ten minute nap. But Louis wasn't complaining. He decided to ask his mum about her new friend. After looking around the house for ten minutes, he finds his mum in the backyard​ talking to someone on the phone. He clears his throat loudly to gain her attention, she jumps at the sudden noise and almost drops her phone.

Putting a hand over her heart and turning to see her son standing by the screen door. "Jesus Lou don't do that to me. Almost made me drop my phone."

"Yeah yeah, when is this family coming over?" He walks over to his mum and sits next to her.

"They will be coming over in two hours, so can you please help your siblings get ready." Jay makes her way to the steps, climbing up them, she turns to face her eldest child. "Oh I almost forgot. Thank you Boobear for helping." She gives him a grateful smile, then walks away.

*2hrs later*

A loud knocking sound runs through the Tomlinson household. Phoebe hurriedly Rus down the stairs with a shout of 'I got it mum!' She opens the door to find three silhouettes standing outside on the porch. Jay comes to the door two seconds after Phoebe opens it.

"Hi Anne." Jay smiles brightly at her. "You guys can come in and make yourself at home, let me just go get my children."

Anne leans down to whisper to her son. "Don't worry Harry, Jay told me her son is a nice lad. No need to be worried, ok?" she pats his shoulders after he nods.

Harry lets his mum wheel him into the living room, after putting the brakes on the wheelchair, Anna sits down next to Gemma. Jay stops at the entrance of the living room with one boy and four girls standing behind her and Harry doesn't bother to look at them.

Jay clears her throat and starts to list off names Harry doesn't even care to remember. Gemma hits Harry with her elbow once she realizes he isn't paying attention. He gives her a confused look, she points her head to Jay and mouths "pay attention Harry." Harry looks over​ at Jay and stops once he sees a pair of blue eyes staring at him.

Louis looks at his sister to see what she is looking at so much, his eyes follow to see her looking at Harry. He shakes his head at her and bumps her with his hip to make her lose balance. When she almost falls over, he laughs but then stops once he hears another laugh join him. He sees Harry laughing quietly to himself.

"Louis did you hear me?" His mum snaps her fingers in his face.

"No I didn't, what did you say." He averts his eyes from bright green ones and turns to face a annoyed looking Jay, he mentally rolls his eyes.

"I said can you go take Harry to your room to get to know one another." She gives him a hopeful smile. Ok he knows he can't say no to his mum or she'll embarrass him in front of these strangers.

So he nods. "Sure, c'mon Harry. Let's go to the dump I call a room." He starts walking towards the stairs but turns around to make sure Harry is following him, but he isn't.

So Anne takes matters into her own hands. She wheels Harry over to the stairs despite his protest. She leans down to whisper in his ear.

"Harry love, it's ok, Louis means well. I know how you hate being social, but at least try to make friends ok? Now do you want me to bring you upstairs while Gemma gets your chair or the other way around?" She waits for a answer.

"I want you to help me up." He finally says.


"So Harry, tell me about yourself." Louis jumps on his bed and bounces up and down while giving Harry a wide smile.


"Well why not?" Louis frowns at Harry's blunt answer. "We could be friends- or better, best friends because I've made no friends here at all."

Harry shakes his head. " We can't be friends because nobody likes me and I'm not interesting to be friends with."

"Do you at least have a friend?" Jarry nods.

"Yeah, but she doesn't go to this school." Harry smiles thinking of his friend he met when he was seven years old.

"What school does she go to then?"

"She's homeschooled if you must have to know everything." Louis rolls his eyes at him.

"Alright Mr. Dimples, now tell me about yourself."  Harry laughs at the nickname.

"No, you go first."

"Ok I will. My name is Louis William Tomlinson, I'm eighteen years old....."

For the past hour and a half, Louis and Harry talked about themselves. Even though Louis was nice to Harry, he still doesn't want to associate with the blue eyed boy. After dinner Harry, Anne, and Gemma left the Tomlinson household.


"So Harry, do you like Louis?" Gemma sits at the end of her brothers bed in her night clothes.

"Um...yeah he was nice. But that doesn't mean I'll talk to him at school, so don't even try to make me." Gemma makes at fake gasping noise.

"You think I, Gemma Anne Styles, will force you, Harry Edward Styles, to talk to a boy whom I think looks great in skinny jeans to become friends with?"

Harry just stares at her. "Yes I do think that."

"Ok, you got me there- but at least get to know him better 'cause I want you happy." Harry gives her a confused look.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing, absolutely nothing Harry." She gets up from the bed and turns to find her brother trying to situate his legs under the duvet.

"You need help?" She points to his legs. He's face flushes in embarrassment.

"No I got it." She walks out of the room to go to hers.

It takes Harry thirty-seven minutes of just staring at his wall in the pitch black to fall asleep.

I saw Dunkirk today! And I freaking loved it. Same with Back To You (played that on repeat all day) Lol there was a mini tornado in my neighborhood.

Hope you loved this chapter!

All the love-A ❤


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