chapter 10

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Your lions roared, you and keith were flying around like a patrol, because of the last huge attack Corran and Allura thought we she be more alert.

"Becasue of the huge attack last time, We, meaning the princess and I thought we should have this patrol like thing" Corran said touching his moustache.

Allura decided to continue her British like voice clear and loud "There will be teams of two, team one is-" Allura said getting cut of by Corran who had a weird smirk on his face.

"Team one is Keith and Lance" he shouted, you snickered, trying to hold in your laugher and holding onto yoir side.

"Oh god no" Keith mbledd next to you, looking down at the floor and sighed. "Why do i get stuck with mullet, why not the pretty Y/N" he shouted, winking at you.

Unknowingly to everyone Keoth scowled at the flirty comment towards you, Crossing his arms and frowning.

"Im joking! Team one is Keith and Y/N" Corran said laughing, You and keith sighed and he slightly smiled, at least you werent stuck with Lance.

"Team two is Hunk and lance, team three is Shiro and Pidge" Corran finished.

Your lion roared again, suddenly flying on its own accord "Y/N? What are you doing?" Keith Asked worriedly.

"Its not me! My lions flying on its own" you replied, your hanfs held up in a surrendering position.

Keith flew behind you, following you at full speed, your lion landed on a beautiful planet, tuning itself of. Trying to turn silver back on, failing as the mouth only opened.

Sighing you jumped put and looked at the prety planet that now that you looked at it, looked like home.

Green grass, a bright blue sky, very tall and big trees and pretty creatures and plants.

A loud screeching sound came from your helmets and had to throw it off.

Keith walked over, his helmet also off "what the hell was that?" He asked rubbing his ears.

You shrugged your shoulders "Dont know" you saod then this cute baby dear came our of the bushes, it had purple dots on its back. You awed at ot, as it wobbled as it walked.

Kneelimg down on the floor you tried to get the baby deer over to you who looked at you and slowly started to wobble its way towards you.

Putting yourr hand out the deer put its head into your palm, rubbing its head against it.

Keith slowly made his way closer to you and slowly sat next to you, strocking the back of the baby deer.

The baby deer jumped when a rattling sound came from the bushes a female older deer walking out.

The baby deer, slowly walked away from you and to whom you guessed was its mother.

You slightly smiled as the mother deer liked its babys face and then pushed it slightly to move foward.

"Good to know things seem friendly" keith sighed, laying down on the grass using his arms as a pillow.

You done the same ans sighed, closing your eyes.

"Yeah, it sort of remindes me of my home" you said quietly so only he could hear.

He rose a eyebrow "how so?" He asked sitting up and facing you crossed legged, you opened one eye looking up at him.

"The animals, plants and the trees, its like when Amara, my younger sister and I would race through the forest" you said and then chuckled "we would end up getting told of by father for going of to far" you continued, also now sitting up and facing him.

He nodded in understanding "You must miss her" he said, looking at you directly in the eye.

You nodded "yeah i miss everyone, Amara, father, mother, Dante and even  Chris"  you said sadly, notocing your distress Keith hugged you, your eyes widened at how he was acting out of charatcer and then blushed and slowly hugged him back.

"I miss my family too Y/N, everyone does Allura, Corran, Pidge, hunk and Lance even if he doesnt show it, he does" He said hugging you tigher.

Your lions eyes glowed and then she roared, you sighed "Looks like we can go home now" you said, getting out of the hug sadly and quickly kissing keith on the cheek, legging it to your lion and jumping in.

Keith stared at you and hand on the cheek you lisses and blushed, you had kept on doing that.

He sighed running over to his lion and flying after you.

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