Part Two ~ Chapter Three

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“Like a bad omen, a downpour of rain suddenly came out of nowhere.”




"If you don't mind, I would like to feature your artwork at the gallery in the lounge."

I tilted my head and studied my depiction of the foggy morning down by the lake. It had taken me over six classes to finish it, the tainted lily pads taking up the most of my time.

"I'd be honored," I told my art teacher with a smile, handing her the giant canvas, struggling for it not to weigh me down.

"Ethan, you are one of my most improved students," my teacher gave me a laugh. "Keep up the good work!"

"Thanks," I replied bashfully, as the other students in the class turned to listen in on our conversation.

"What are you painting next?" Clara asked me once our teacher had gone back up to the front with my painting in hand.

"I have no idea..." I shook my head. "Any suggestions?"

"Whatever you paint will turn out amazing no matter what."

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was interrupted.

"Class, time to clean up! See you guys tomorrow."

So I reluctantly started to pack up the colors and the brushes, saying goodbye to Clara and then heading down to the lounge.

"Hey bro."

I jumped as Matt appeared behind me, where I was buying a Coke. I sighed, feeling foolish that Matt had managed to make me jumpy yet again. It had been a little while since he had shown me that note, and things had been getting worse ever since. Now in class Mr. Grey would look at me like something was different. I was so lost on what was happening, because Mr. Grey's attitude hadn't been one of pure hatred but more like he'd forgotten. Yet, why that note? Why did he send us a threat when in class he clearly acted like it was all fine? Because we all knew what had happened, so Mr. Grey didn't have to pretend.

"You there?" Matt tapped me lightly on the shoulder.

"What? Yeah..."

"Thought I lost you for a second."

I closed my eyes for a minute, shaking my head of all depressing thoughts before turning back to Matt. "Do you need anything?"

"Just dropping by to say hi to my little brother is all," Matt put an arm around me which I shrugged off.

"No, really," I demanded. "What do you want?"

Matt cleared his throat and lowered his voice. "Just making sure that you haven't told anyone about the uhh... Note."

I groaned. "Really, Matt? You asked me this yesterday! And the day before! And the day before that!"  I don't know what it was, but lately whenever Matt was around he tended to put me in a bad mood. His protectiveness was breaking our relationship, and I wasn't even bothering was to do anything about it.

"Just checking," Matt held his hands up in a surrender.

"Why is it so important that we keep this a damn secret anyways?"

Matt looked surprised to hear me swear. I felt bad, but I'd just been given great news about my artwork and Matt just had to show up and ruin my mood. He sure knew how to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"I don't want to worry the others..."

"Worry them, huh?" I growled. "Well you had no problem worrying me now did you? And why do you care so much about them anyway when you guys don't even talk to each other! I'm not blind, I see the way you guys ignore each other like that. I realize whatever I say to you isn't going to make a difference, but let me tell you anyways. At a time like this, when we don't know if that psycho killer teacher out there is going to hurt you, friends are the one thing you need!"

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