Part One ~ Chapter Eight

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“If he thinks we are the clandestine ones he’s a bit mistaken.”


Chapter Eight

“Fine!” I cut my brother off. His constant begging was getting annoying. “You may sit with us at dinner. But only if you promise to shut your mouth. You’re getting annoying.” Ethan smiled, finally satisfied, before running off from my cabin to Johnny and Kyle.

“What was that about?” I grimaced before answering Andrew.

“My brother, Johnny, and Kyle want to eat dinner with us.”

“Oh?” Andrew pulled out a calculator and started to do the math homework.

“If Mr. Grey sees that…” I trailed off teasingly before pulling out my own math homework and copying his answers.

“I think he would be angrier at you.” Andrew kidded back.

“Uh…yeah…I’m not really sure what’s up with that.” I scrunched my eyebrows together in thought, but still couldn’t come up with a reason as to why Mr. Grey hated Ethan and I so much. Of course, he hated everyone, but Ethan and I got a special glare. You know, one that was a bit more on the murderous side. “So, is it time to go to dinner yet?”

“No, another twenty minutes or so.” Andrew checked his watch and then sat down on his bed. “Zach is skateboarding and Evan is in the lounge, so only Mark is left. He told me he was gonna come in and hang out with us before dinner. That’s his way of saying he wants to make sure we don’t have drugs or something on us. He’ll probably go through everyone’s stuff. Just a warning.”

“What about Joe…?” I raised my eyebrows, wondering how Joe got out of this one.

“He won’t tell us what he does with all his…stuff...Apparently he doesn’t trust us not to tell anyone.”

“If he thinks we are the clandestine ones he’s a bit mistaken.” Andrew looked at me funny before smiling slightly.

“You talk perfectly normal, and then you throw in some word most people would need a dictionary to know the meaning of.” My lips twitched up in a grin as I thought of my odd fourth grade teacher. Whenever we used a word that nobody in the class knew the meaning of, we would get a ticket that we used for prizes at the end of the year. Now I couldn’t stop myself from using the large words, they would just flow out of my mouth.

“Alright guys, I’m coming in!” I recognized Mark’s voice, and soon enough he was standing in the room. “I have a fun activity planned for us all today!” His eyes were calculating and he seemed to be coming up with a plan. He had his hands clasped in front of him, wearing plastic gloves.

“Don’t bother coming up with something, I already told Matt what you mean when you say you want to hang out with us.” Andrew motioned towards where we kept our bags. “Go ahead, and we’ll get out of your way now.”

Mark chuckled deeply and smiled innocently at me. “I’m only looking out for you all. I want to make sure I catch the bomb in Joe’s bag before it goes off and kills everyone.”

“Tell me more about this bomb of mine.” We spun around to see Joe standing there in a black shirt, one eyebrow raised. “Where do you think I could get it, and where’s the best place to put it so that you’re the first one gone.”

Laughing lightly, Mark seemed unfazed by Joe’s dig at him. His eyes narrowed accusingly as he sniffed the air. “Joe, you smell like-.”

“Weed?” Andrew cut in. “Cigarettes?”

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