Part One ~ Chapter Three

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“Maybe someone killed him!”


Chapter Three

Hey, I’m gonna go skateboarding around campus. Anyone wanna join?” Zach pulled his skateboard out from under his bed.

“Busy over here. Go find some other little buddy of yours.” Joe was looking through his bag for something.

Andrew walked in with his beat up soccer ball. He dropped the ball on the ground and kicked it into the wall irritably. It made a loud thump, startling everyone.

“What’s wrong?” I asked Andrew, shifting my position on my bed.

“The academy is going through all of their records; apparently someone’s records don’t match up. They won’t say whose though, and…UHG!”

“What…?” I raised my eyebrows at him, confused. Andrew was going off in some rant about records, not making any sense. Putting down my magazine, I sighed. “Dude, calm down. Act like Amy when she is in her hippie phase. Take a deep breath and calm your body and mind or whatever crap she tells us.”

Andrew faltered for a moment before realizing I was right. He closed his eyes and breathed in, opening them as he let out the air. “Okay, I’m good. Ignore all of that.”

“Umm… I don’t think so. Care to explain?” Zach rolled his hand over the wheels on his skateboard absentmindedly while waiting for an explanation. It didn’t look like Andrew was about to give one though.

“You alright man?” I took his soccer ball and started tossing it about the room.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. No worries.” He brushed it off and picked the ball up out of my hand.

“But I don’t get why Hamilton going through all the records is such a big deal. If they find anything it’s probably only gonna be them wondering why they haven’t kicked out Joe with the record he has. Or that chick Nancy, I heard she’s pretty badass.”

“Why would Hamilton ever want to give up those hefty donations my parents make?” Joe grumbled, his head still in his bag.

“I still don’t see how you haven’t gotten kicked out all these years. When you got Mr. Higgins’s office infested with all those different bugs I really thought it would be the last straw but I guess not.”

“You think that’s the worst he’s done? Hah. Remember when he drugged the punch at the dance and Mr. Tedin drank it? Never thought I would see a sixty year old man grinding with a thirty year old woman. His speech was so slurred, and I though he was gonna pass out.” They started trading stories of all Joe’s ‘accomplishments’ while I sat on my bed and listened. I laughed along with them all, but still felt a bit out of the loop. Even Evan was cracking a smile.

“What are you actually doing now?” Andrew dribbled his soccer ball around the room like a pro.

“Don’t ask,” Evan said. “He thinks he is such a rebel with his lighter.”

“Shut up,” Joe replied, “I bet you have never even touched a lighter before. I’m going out, don’t tell Mark.”

I rolled my eyes and stood up to stretch. Andrew kicked the ball onto his bed and plopped down next to it. He seemed to be in a much better mood now, just a little tense.

“So, what happened earlier?”

“Oh nothing, don’t worry about it. I think I’m just going to go take a shower in a bit, relax and all. I’ll be fine.”

“Okay, we’ll stop our frettin’.” I rubbed my stomach hungrily. “Where can I get food this time of day?”

“Just go down to the lounge, they have some stuff there. I would show you, but I’m going to shower so you’re on your own.” Andrew started going through his bags, and I took this as my cue to leave him be.

“I’m off to skateboard. Unlike Joe though, Mark can actually know what I’m doing in my spare time.”

“Later,” I called, sliding off the bed. “I’m going out for a run.”


“Today’s been so weird,” I sighed, referring to Mr. Grey while at dinner. I didn’t see how he could know my mom; we weren’t very well known people. Even within our own town we were a quiet family. My mom worked at a museum while my dad fixed up cars. They didn’t run some business or anything.

“He’s such a creeper,” Amy muttered. “I vote we call security.”

“If he starts giving Ethan a rough time again,” I mutter, “that man’s going to get it.”

“Well don’t go complaining now,” Julia rolled her eyes. “You’re the one who wanted to go to this school in the first place, that dumb little contest of yours.”

Ouch. Burn. “It wasn’t dumb!” I argued back, just for the sake of it. “It was a fun contest, I know even you guys have fun filming!”

“That was only because Johnny spilled milk all over his pants trying to be a stunt double!” Amy pointed out.

“And then remember how you were in this weird medieval stage and you would go around dressed like some knight?” I smirked at Amy. “Julia, even you were laughing on the floor when you messed up your lines on the fifteenth take of the same scene.”

That earned some demure looks from the girls, knowing I had got them on that one.

“Wh-” I was cut off by the crackle of the microphone.

“I hope you guys had a good first day of school,” Mr. Higgins spoke into his microphone. The dining hall didn’t quiet down. In fact, it got even louder. “Excuse me. Please listen just for a minute. Then you can get back to eating.”

“Hey!” One of the counselors yelled into the microphone. “Everybody shut up!” That lady was not someone I wanted to get angry.

Mr. Higgins cleared his throat. “As I was saying, I hope everyone had a great first experience at Hamilton Academy. I advise everybody gets lots of sleep tonight. We’ve had students get sick from their sleep schedule’s being thrown off. You may get back to what you were doing,” he said quickly before putting the microphone down and sitting to enjoy his own dinner.

“Why is this so hard?” Amy grumbled as she tried to tear open a bag of chips.

“That’s what she said.”

“You never stop, do you?” Julia asked me.

“You know you love it.” I smirked, amused by their annoyance.

“You’re such a freak.” Julia turned back to her dinner, ignoring my comments. Shrugging, I went back to my own meal.

“Hey, where’s Andrew?” Amy asked randomly. “I thought he was sitting with us for dinner?”

“He said he would…” Julia started to look around.

“Maybe someone killed him!” I faked a gasp. When I saw the girls’ dry looks I just rolled my eyes. “Girls, freaking out over nothing.”

Suddenly, the whole dining hall went silent. Standing at the door was a suspicious man dressed in all black.

“Give me all your money and nobody gets hurt.”


Just as promised, another upload! It's my brithday, so here's a present to you guys haha(: Such a life, I know. Wattpad on my birthday<3

 Sorry this is such a short chapter, I tried but there was nothing to make it longerr...

So how do you like that cliffhanger haha(: Hamilton just isn't very safe I suppose... 

Since this is a short chapter, I will update either Friday or Saturday. I already have the other half written. So when would you like it? 

Also, special thanks to @DaniAVeer for the banner on the side :D

Comment, vote, fan<3

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