Part Three ~ Chapter Five

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All of our eyes were drawn to the two laying on top of each other in the dirt. Even Johnny, Ethan, and Kyle found it entertaining. Julia turned to me, rolling her eyes, before looking back at Amy sprawled across Andrew. She watched intently, as if it was a movie.

“You gonna get up any time soon?” Julia drawled, awaiting their next move. I smiled knowingly.

“Oh, shut up,” Amy grumbled. “We wouldn’t even be in this position if Andrew over here hadn’t grabbed my arm.”

“Hey!” Andrew exclaimed, trying to justify himself. “I was helping you. You were about to fall, so I tried to stop that from happening.”

Amy looked down awkwardly, as if only just realizing that he was still gripping her arm tightly. I chuckled along with the others. If they were going to fight like this the whole trip over stupid things, that would be some quality entertainment.

“You can let go of my arm,” Amy mumbled. Her cheeks had a slight flush to them, as if the position she was in just hit her.

“Right.” Andrew carefully unattached himself, looking a little angry. “And you don’t even care.”

“And the plot thickens,” Julia whispered into my ear. “Next time, you’re in charge of popcorn. These two can get rather interesting.”

“If only they could see themselves…” I smirked, imagining Amy’s reaction if she could see what happened between her and Andrew half the time.

“Care about what? That you made me fall? Oh, sorry, maybe I’ll thank you for that next time.” Amy said sarcastically. She swallowed, her eyes shifting away from Andrew’s face that was mere inches from her own.

“Umm..maybe about that fact that I caught you so you didn’t hit the ground? Maybe that.” Andrew’s face suddenly changed to a blank expression. “Never mind. It doesn’t matter.” Andrew started getting up, but stopped almost immediately. “You want to get off of me?”

Amy coughed. “Right. Uh…right.” Julia lent a hand for her to grasp onto, pulling her up off of Andrew.

“You forgot the kiss!” My eyes widened as I turned to face a laughing Johnny. “That’s what is supposed to happen when you fall on top of each other, don’t you know?” I realized he was teasing, but Amy still had a light pink splashed across her cheeks. Andrew was glaring at a leaf on the ground as he dusted off his pants. He flicked a leaf out of his hair, and it fluttered in the air before landing lightly on the ground.

“Let’s go,” Kyle said, moving on ahead of us with the map.

“Good.” Amy muttered, brushing a wisp of hair out of her face. She focused her attention partially on the ground this time as she moved, as if careful not to trip over anything else that could land her in an awkward position.


            “Are you sure we’re heading the right way?”

            “Well we can’t possibly be heading the wrong way.” Kyle reasoned. “I’m navigating.”

            “Then why haven’t we found what we have to look for?”

            “Because we are looking for a tree.” Kyle stated.

            “Excuse me?!” Amy and Julia both exclaimed at the same time. I raised an eyebrow, confused by what Kyle said. A tree? We were in the woods, how could we be looking for a tree? That would take forever.

            “You have got to be kidding me.” Johnny groaned. “Kyle, maybe you shouldn’t be reading the map.” He reached over, as if to take it from Kyle’s hands. Kyle backed away though, glaring at Johhny.

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