Part Two ~ Chapter Fourteen

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"Friends. It was a word I had longed to be able to say about us ever since we drifted apart."



            Everyone was seated in the dining hall, talking animatedly as Mr. Higgins made yet another failed attempt at quieting us down. I don’t know why he bothered with us anymore; he looked like he wished he didn’t get out of bed in the morning.

            It was the day of the volleyball competition, and there was an air of competitiveness filling the room. The winning tribes would receive a week off of homework, so people were taking the day very seriously.

            “For the last time, everyone shut your mouths!” Mr. Higgins was ignored again, and he turned to face the staff lined up next to them. I normally would have laughed at his frustration, but I felt a little bad for the guy. He had been through a lot this school year, and it hadn’t even been two months.

            “Okay, we have to win this, guys!” I turned to face the rest of my tribe, smiling encouragingly at them. “As long as you stay away from everything, Julia, then we should be fine.” Julia glared at me, and I winked at her teasingly.

            “I wouldn’t be so sure about us winning, Matt. Did you see how into this everyone is? That tribe has matching outfits! Why didn’t we do that?” Amy stared wistfully at their clothing, and I laughed.

            “If you don’t all quiet down this instant then there will be no competition!” Mr. Higgins’ threat made everyone go silent immediately. “Thank you. Now, we have to go over the rules. If anyone acts out again then their whole tribe will be disqualified. Each tribe will go find the sign with their tribe name on it, and on that sign is also the tribe name of the team they are competing against. Each winning team receives a week without homework, so I hope you have all practiced! Now, go play some volleyball!” Mr. Higgins chuckled dryly as he heard himself, as if amused by the cheer he had tried to put into his words.

            “We are going to cream these guys! Pound them to a pulp!” Johnny pumped his fist in the air, getting Kyle and Ethan excited as well.

            “Alright, let’s calm down a little…” Amy shook her head as she laughed at them.

            “How can we calm down, we are about to get a week without homework!”

            “If we win,” Julia grumbled. She didn’t look as excited as the rest of us about the volleyball game, and I had an idea as to why.

            “Think positively Julia! We never know! Come on, we have to go find out who we are up against.” Amy yanked me and Julia up by our wrists, and I motioned for the others to follow. Andrew was close behind me, waving at guys that I recognized from his soccer team.

            “Hey Tyler!” I smiled at him, and he smirked back.

            “You guys are going down,” He teased. I checked the sign and realized we were up against his tribe. That would be interesting.

            “I should just forfeit now,” Julia huffed. I chuckled at her, poking her cheek.

            “I’m sure you’ll do fine. Just keep your eye on the ball, and then stay far away from wherever it goes.”

            “Shut up. I will do my best.” Amy laughed at Julia, and Julia kicked her in response.

            “Hey James.” Andrew smiled slightly at a tall guy with brown hair that I faintly recognized. He must have been the guy Tyler mentioned Mr. Grey giving a detention to.

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