Loyetta Amilea Banders

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This one is for @SunnysSpeed!!!!!! To any of my lovely hardcore Jiper shippers out there, do not read this, I mean it. This is not Jiper friendly. Anyways I love this OC no matter who she dates. To everyone else and especially the lovely @SunnysSpeed I hope you enjoy this!

The four of us are sitting contentedly at our table in the cafeteria. Percy and Jason are both munching down on today's special while Annabeth and I peer skeptically at the hash spread over our trays.

The two boys roll their eyes at us. "It really isn't that bad," Percy insists, his mouth full of gruel.

Annabeth winces at her boyfriend, quickly ducking away so she doesn't have to stare at his gaping mouth longer than necessary. "Percy, please swallow," she replies instead.

"Sorry," he chokes out as he swallows the mash. "But seriously," he starts again, "it really isn't as bad as you seem to think."

Annabeth chooses to ignore his opinion though, grabbing me by my arm. "Come on," she says, tugging me up from the table. "Let's go raid the vending machines." I glance over at Jason who has been quiet during the whole thing. He makes his stance though by shoving another spoonful of hash in his mouth. Annabeth and I pick up our full trays, dumping them by the trash bins and leave the boys in their happy state.

As we exit the cafe, I shiver in relief. "Thank god we got out of there. I think I was going to hurl just looking at that stuff. Do you know if those little black bits were beans or..." I trail off.

Annabeth makes a face. "Don't even go there," she warns me, pulling her wallet out of her pocket.

In the hallway we stop at the vending machines packed full of diet diet drinks and fruit gummies. We take turns feeding in our money and picking from the meager provisions. I settle down with my snack at the nearby table, placed directly beside the vending machine. Annabeth flops down into the seat across from me as I rip open my no sugar mango and orange flavoured gummy bears.

Annabeth winces as she takes the first sip of her no sugar, no caffeine, no calories Coke. I look at her as I chew on a fruity orange bear. It doesn't taste like anything at all.

"It's probably still better than whatever that was in there," she assures me, waving to the cafeteria.

"Was it me or did I totally see potato peels in it?" I ask, plopping another tasteless gummy into my mouth.

Annabeth groans, pushing her strange Coke away. "You're making it taste even worst," she complains.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad," I tell her, hijacking the can. I take a sip from the stuff and immediately slide it back to her. "Is there even anything in that?" I ask.

Annabeth nods, having proving her point. "It's disgusting, right?" She eyes it carefully. "Maybe Percy will drink it."

We hop off the table and stick out my bag of gummies to her as we walk back. "Do you want a tasteless gummy bear?"

In response, she sticks her hand into the small bag, pulling one out and shoving it into her mouth. "Hey they aren't half bad," she says.

I look at her as if she is some sort of alien come down from Neptune. "Do you want the rest?" I offer.

"Sure," she replies, grabbing the still almost full pack from me.

"Weirdo," I mutter as we enter back into the cafeteria. At our table, Percy and Jason are chatting away, their plates empty. We sit across from them, Annabeth handing the half drunk Coke to Percy.

"You want the rest?" she asks.

He shrugs. "Sure." He begins chugging the stuff.

Annabeth and I both make a face and she chomps down on the rest of my tasteless gummies.

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