Annabeth Chase

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So I really just wanted to try and write something in Annabeth's PoV. So this is when Percy first comes stumbling into camp and Annabeth is at the Big House waiting.

Chiron said Grover is coming back today. With a new camper. Apparently the newbie is powerful. Maybe not Great Prophecy powerful, maybe not Thalia Daughter of the Big Three powerful, but powerful. So after lunch I go visit Chiron at the Big House and we wait. And wait. And wait. And then supper comes and we eat before heading back and waiting some more. After a couple hours, near the time that the sun started to set, I started to worry. Grover is like my big brother and my little brother all mixed into one. I know, it's weird. But it's how I feel. I feel responsible for him sometimes, but the majority of the time I look up to him the same way I look up to Luke. Well maybe not the same...

My cheeks start to heat up a little at this thought. Annabeth I chide myself. Don't go losing your head like an Aphrodite ditz now.

I shake my head slightly and turn my mind back to Grover. There really is no point in worrying. Grover is smart and maybe not physically strong - but emotionality and mentally he definitely is. And no matter how many times he bleats or turns to run away, he's one of the bravest people I've ever met.

The bravest person being Thalia of course.

I sit down and think about how Thalia sacrificed herself just so Luke, Grover and I could live. It's been five years, you'd think I might be over it by now. To tell you the truth, I'm never going to be over it. You can never truly get over someone you loved. I'd be the same way had it been Luke or Grover who'd turned into a tree that night. They're like my family. I really want that right now. Correction, I really need that right now. My eyes sting a little from holding back so many tears, so I stare into the bright light of the lamp sitting on Chiron desk hoping to somehow burn them away. But they are relentless.

Annabeth, you are strong. Grover's going to be fine. He'll redeem himself, he's Grover for Hear's sake. Thalia will always be Thalia to you. Treasure your memories, but you have to move on at some point, I remind myself. You got this Annabeth.

I smile and suddenly become aware of tapping on the roof. I look around Chiron's office, it was much darker than I remembered, artificial light being used much more than before. I hurriedly stand up, and rush out into the porch. Chiron is standing by the rail. Rain is pounding down. Zeus is definitely pissed. But about what?

"Chiron, what's Zeus so mad about?" I ask.

Chiron looks at me for a minute to see if he should tell me. He trots quickly over to stand beside the swing I'm sitting on.

"Something has been stolen. If it's not returned, something bad, very bad, will happen on the Solstice." Chiron replies.

Ugh. I hate when Chiron speaks in riddles like this. Even I find it to get a little annoying.

He turns and walks back into the Big House, leaving me sitting on the porch swing watching the rain and waiting for Grover.

What will happen on the Summer Solstice? What was stolen? Who was if stolen from? Who stole it? These question plague my mind as I wait. Why do you leave me to suffer like this, Chiron? Why?

About a half hour later, I see a brilliant flash of lightning off to the right. Zeus? What are you doing now? I frown and roll my eyes a little. The King of the Gods could be very melodramatic at times. Thunder rumbled right over my head. I sigh and look down at the watch on my wrist for the time. 2:32 am it reads. Oh Grover, where are you?

Then I hear it. A mighty roar low enough to shake the very earth. A roar loud enough to pierce Zeus's frightening gale. The Minotaur. He's back.

And so must be Grover.

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