PART 2- The Game Plan

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 You've seen them together and apart, fight and forgive, love and like, cry and hurt. That same Bad Boy Caitlin hated in high school, the one who brought her through hell and back, turned out to be the one she fell in love with multiple times and he's isn't going anywhere anytime soon. And that Bad Boy became the celebrity heart throb for every teenage girl. Austin started his singing career, but never forgot about Caitlin. He never stopped loving her. Neither did she. She just didn't want to believe it or admit it. She pushed him away. She pushes her feelings away too. What happens when Austin comes up with a game? A game that could possible win Caitlin back, if she falls into the trap. Will this game work out? Or will it end up hurting players in the end? What happens between Austin and Caitlin? Do they get back together...or fall apart?

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