2. So Much For Relaxing

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''So Much For Reaxing''

I woke up to the sound of my alarm on my phone. And that meant I had school. At least it was a Friday and the big football game was on Sunday. I was nervous and stressed I got to admit, but hopefully the routine will run smoothly.

I got dressed in my uniform because on Friday the cheerleaders wear their uniforms and the football players wear their jerseys’.

My neighbor Sydney drove me to school today because I was running a little late and so was she. I jumped out of the car just making it to homeroom before classes started.

My day went pretty smooth and easy because it was Friday. The class I was dreading the most was the last period of the day. Math. The periods switched around every day, it sounds more confusing than it is. So we have a different schedule for everyday of the week. I actually liked having Math last on Fridays because that class was sometimes easy for me so it is less work for me. But who knew that just where I sit in class could make this the worst class of the day.

I walked in to see Austin already sitting there waiting for the class to start. The first thing that caught my eye about him was his red football jersey. No, since when has he played football. I have been cheering for almost eight years and never once had I seen him at games or pep rallies. Then to make that situation worse he looked up at me with his hazel eyes. I quickly made my way from the doorway to my seat next Austin. I tried to ignore the fact that he caught me staring at him. He didn’t take his eyes off me until I sat down and gave him a weird look because he wouldn’t stop staring. And finally he looked away to his paper with what looked like a small smirk on his face.

Why was he smirking? Why did his eyes never leave me until I looked at him? And why did I care so much?

My thought always seemed to keep me occupied from what was going on around me. I came back to reality when I heard the sentence Mrs. Haynes had just said.

“You will now complete this worksheet and check every answer with the person sitting next to you.”

Great. Now we actually have to talk to each other. I’m being completely honest when I say this and I mean it he scares me. He had all these things being said about him, and all of them bad. And I have seen him with a different girl all the time and get into full on fights with people. He was definitely…a bad boy. He was someone I didn’t even want to make eye contact with.

“What did you get for the first answer?”

“What?” I asked.

“Number one what did you get?”

I hadn’t even started yet, but I quickly looked at the paper and found the answer.

“Um…I got 74. What did you get?”

He groaned in frustration, “I got 13, I don’t understand Math. It just looks like a bunch of numbers and letters written done randomly.”

I was surprised he was so angry, it was just a question.

“Here…I’ll show you how to do the problem.”

I wasn’t looking at him, just all his work he had written down on the paper. I was pointing to the work and writing on it correcting his mistakes explaining what to do.

“Do you get it?” I asked looking up at him.

I don’t think he was even listening to me when I just explained all of it. He was just staring deep into my eyes and I don’t even know why.

The Bad Boy Austin Mahone FanticWhere stories live. Discover now