16. Stronger

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I felt a wave of relief sent all over my body.

“Got it. Great job Caitlin. The piece was bigger than I thought. You are a brave and strong girl.” He said holding the piece of glass in the tweezers.

He said I was strong. I’m stronger. Austin made me stronger. By dragging him through this whole mess he made me less weak. I’m not the same person I was a few weeks ago. I’ve been through so much.

He then cleaned my foot up and began to stitch up the whole in my foot. I didn’t feel the stitches. I guess the medicine he gave me works good on the outer layer of skin and less on the inside. I could feel little pinches but it wasn’t bad at all.

After he finished that he wrapped up my foot in a special bandage.

“Okay you need to take a few days off from school. I’m going to give you crutches but you won’t need them by the time you go back to school. You will head back to school next week. All you have to do this week is to keep the foot elevated and rest. Since the stitches are on the bottom of your foot they can fall out easily if there is pressure put on them” He said.

“Thank you so much.” I said before he exited the room.

He came back a few minutes later and had crutches and talked more about my foot and everything like that.

I got out of the bed and out on my north face and slipped one ugg on the foot that wasn't injured. He helped me put the crutches under my arm pits and we went out the door.

My dad helped me into his car too and then he got in and started driving home.

“I’m going to go to work because I have night shift 12 pm to 1am all week so you need to just rest and do everything the doctor said. Okay?”

I just nodded and continued looking out the car window. It was raining. It had been raining all weekend too. It reminded me of when I looked outside for Austin and all I saw was rain outside my window. No! Stop thinking about him! You are done with him. He is just in the past. And the past is the past.

We pulled in the drive way and my dad helped me up the front steps to the front door. He unlocked it and I went into the kitchen.

“Okay do you want to be upstairs or downstairs for the rest of the day? I’m not going to be able to help you go up and down the stairs.”

“I’ll stay upstairs in my room.” I answered and he picked me up and just carried me up the stairs. Just like-No. Don’t even think about it.

I am pretty small so he had no problem carrying me to my door. I am only 5’2 and I weigh 115 pounds.

“Thank you.” I said.

“I have to go to work now, but I’ll see you tomorrow morning. I’ll bring up a ton of snacks for you before I go.” I smiled when he said that. Honestly I don’t know how I am only 115 pounds because I eat like a horse. Rachel is the same way, yet she is smaller than me but eats more.

“And I’ll go to the store and pick up a bunch of treats since you did so well at the doctors today. Got to go. Bye sweetheart.”

“Bye Dad. Love you.” I said as he walked down the stairs.

I opened my bedroom door and quickly wobbled in. We were having that conversation in the hallway before so…

My rug was completely wet under my window. It was soaked. My window. It was still open.

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