31. I'd Rather Be With You

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"I'd Rather Be With You"

Austin’s POV

It has been a day since the whole incident. Dave and Josh were sent to court and were decided guilty this morning. They have been wanted by the police for a while.

As for Caitlin, they took her away from me. They sent her to the hospital because of her arm. That son of a bitch cut her deep enough for stitches, that’s what they told me last night. And now its morning and I’m sitting in the hospital waiting room.

She was resting from last night. She went through a lot last night. They also stitched her up last night too, so I was going to give her a little space. She wasn’t even aloud to have visitors yet anyways.

I hadn’t slept much, I didn’t sleep last night. I just have been in this same chair for the past 12 hours. Of course I got up, went to the bathroom, and got some food, but for the most part I have just been sitting here waiting for them to call my name.

My eyes were slowly starting to close when I heard the woman at the front desk yell someone’s name.

“Caitlin Sparks visitors?!”

I quickly stood up and speed walked to the desk. Just as I was about to say something someone came up next to me.

I turned around and saw Caitlin’s dad. Oh god, he absolutely hates me. He was just looking at me up and down probably taking in how tired looking I was. He looked as tired as I was though. I guessed he was here all night too.

“Caitlin is in room 213 down the hall.” She said smiling. I smiled back and Caitlin’s dad thanked her.

He didn’t say anything to me. He just walked down the hall with me. I guess he isn’t too mad with me because of that dinner I had with him at Caitlin’s house a few days ago. He acted like he didn’t even know me that night. But then again, I was the same one who brought her through this whole mess.

We reached the door and we both stopped. I scratched the back of my head thinking.

“You go first, I’ll wait out here.”

He remained quiet for a few seconds.

“Thank you. Thank you for saving her. It means a lot to me. She was right…you really did change Austin.” He said. He patted his hand on my back and opened the door, closing it behind him. So does he like me or…?

I just leaned up against the wall and waited. It seemed like I was waiting forever. I said I loved her last night. And so did she. I miss her, I miss her so much. It has only been a few hours, but when I held her in my arms last night…as cheesy as it sounds…it felt like nothing around us was happening, it was just us in each other’s arms.

I reached into my pocket to check the time. When my hand slipped into my pocket I felt two phones. I pulled both out. I had mine of course, and Caitlin’s. I just remembered that I saw her phone upstairs when we were leaving that house, so I grabbed it. I never had time to give it back. I unlocked it and took a few selfies on her phone. I even put my favorite picture of us as the background. It was another selfie we took the night I studied at her house. I was winking and she had her tongue sticking out. She looked adorable to me.

It had been a half-an-hour since I last checked the time and I was getting tired of waiting. I was wondering if I should go in the room, go back to the waiting room, or go home.

But suddenly the door opened. I quickly peeled my body off the wall and faced the door.

Caitlin’s dad walked out and just waited in front of the door. I was just about to go in when Caitlin walked out.

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