5. That Kid

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"That Kid"

I woke up in the morning it looked like, but it was still a little dark so it was probably around 4 or 5 so I tried to go back to sleep, but it was no use. I looked around for a clock. It was actually 7. Austin was still asleep. I just laid there in his bed think of everything and I started crying.

“Caitlin are you ok?”

“What ya, I’m fine. I think I just had a bad dream.” But the thing is this wasn’t a bad dream. It was real. I wiped away the tears. When Austin got up and was sitting next to me in bed.

“Seriously, tell me.”

Wow he was being serious. He then got under the blankets and was lying next to me just looking at me and his face changed when he saw my eyes. Red, puffy, and watery.

“What happened? Was it something last night? Did-“

“Nothing happened just a bad dream,” I lied.

He grabbed my waist wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer. And that’s what I needed. Some comfort. He was helping by hugging me. So I hugged him back resting my head on his bare, hard chest.

“Soon it will all be over, I promise.” He said squeezing me tighter. And I stopped crying.

Austin’s POV

“Soon it will all be over, I promise.” I told her.

I let go and got up out of bed and stood in front of it and pulled off the covers. She groaned and looked at me confused. I smiled.

“Come on, we got to get going the game is at 10.”

“What?” She shot up out of bed asking me.

“Come on, we will go to your house I’m letting u go.” I said.

“But I thought you said that I had to be here a week?”

“I know but I’m letting you go so come on I’m going to drop you off at your house.” I said walking out of the room and she followed.

“Where are you going?” Josh asked.

“Out.” I said closing the door behind me.

She told me her address and I stopped in front of her house.

“Are you going to unlock the car or…” She asked.

“Listen, it’s still not safe for you. And don’t say anything to your friends, only your dad. No one else.”

“Thanks Austin. Good luck at the game.” She said and opened the door she was about the close it but then stopped.

“By the way, you are really good at singing I heard you last night.” She said closing the door before I could say anything.

Crap. She heard me. I dont singing in front of people anymore. I was stupid to sing in the car that night. I guess she wasn't asleep.

Caitlin’s POV

I got in the house and my dad came running to the door.

“Caitlin, I’m so sorry. Did they do anything to you are you ok?”

I hugged him and said “Dad I’m fine, but please pay the man his money. Please,” I said tearing up.

I lied and remember that the man had raped me, Justin. I don’t know if Austin knew that probably not. I should tell him. What am I talking about? My mind was telling me to to talk to him again. But something else was telling me to talk to him. I decided to just not talk to him first.

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