50. Surprise

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Caitlin’s POV

Today will be the sixth day I’m staying at Austin’s. It’s been fine; he had rehearsals and one concert. The rest of the days we did fun stuff like the beach, shopping, lunch ‘dates’ as friends, and more. He has actually been pretty nice and sweet. I thought he was going to be rude, a tease, or joke around with me, but I was wrong. He has been a complete sweetheart and gentleman.

He has done things like holding doors for me, pulling and pushing in my chair for me basically every time I sat down, doing everything for me, and just gives me random compliments all the time. If this is a new side of Austin I like it.

“Hey Caitlin!” Austin yelled from downstairs.

I was in his room on my laptop.

“What?” I yelled from his bed.

“Come here!”

I groaned and rolled off the bed. I dragged myself down the stairs to the bottom. I was pretty comfortable in the bed. It’s late too; it is 10:34 pm. Well, kind of late. But, still I was just about to fall asleep.

“What is-“I stopped when I reached the bottom of the stairs. “What is this?” I smiled spread across my face.

“You like it?” He asked. I walked into the room and looked around.

“I love it.”

“So do you want to have a movie night?” He asked. I giggled a little. What would he have done if I said no? He had all the blankets set up and everything.

The room had the lights off, only the TV aluminated the room with the movie menu of The Heat. I hadn’t seen that yet, so I was excited. There were pillows, blankets, sleeping bags, and couch cushions all over the floor, but it looked like Austin spent some time arranging everything because it was very neat. And to top it off he had tons of candy, a huge bowl of popcorn, and drinks. It was like a home theater in his living room.

We sat down, leaning up against the couch, and Austin started the movie. Both of us were already laughing and shoving popcorn in our mouths.

After about an hour of the movie Austin scooted closer to me. He was now sitting right next to me. He looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back. As he looked back at the movie he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He did it so easily, like it was nothing. I then found myself scooting a little closer to him and laughing with him once again.

Then the next half an hour we stayed like that. Every time he laughed I could feel his stomach flexing and I could hear his laugh in my ears.

I looked up at him and he wasn’t looking at the movie, he was looking at me.

“What?” I laughed.

“Nothing.” He continued to stare at me.

“How long have you been looking at me?”

He shrugged his shoulders and didn’t take his eyes off mine for one second.

“You're so beautiful Caitlin.”

I blushed and looked down. I heard his little giggle fill my ears and I looked back to the movie.

“Sit here.” Austin said distracting me from the movie again.

“Where?” I looked at him.

He patted his lap indicating he wanted me to sit on his lap.

“On your lap?” I pointed down to his lap.

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