53. Same Old, Same Old

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"Same Old, Same Old"

Caitlin’s POV

“What did your mom say?” I asked as Rachel jumped into the car.

“Oh…Uh she said hi…I told her couldn’t talk though.”

She started the car and we were off. And before I knew it I could see all the lights and the big Ferris wheel as we parked the car.


“How about this one next?” Rachel asked taking out her phone after she pointed at a scary, fun house.

“Sure…Who have you been texting all night? And don’t tell me it’s your mom.” I answered.

“Come on lets go.” She grabbed my arm and we walked up to the door. We gave the guy our tickets and walked in. It was one group at a time, so I couldn’t see anyone but Rachel. And I could barely see her.

This was a fun house, but also a scary one. The first room was dark and was an obstacle course thing. The floor was spinning, there we three doors, and there was a scary clown guarding one door. Unfortunately I think that’s the door we have to use.

“Um excuse me.” I asked the clown nicely.

He just screamed in my face. I stepped back a little bit and Rachel just hid behind me.

“You should try some toothpaste and mints. Got it buddy?” I patted his shoulder and pushed him away from the door walking through it. I don’t get scared easily so that clown was nothing. Apparently the next room was a mirror maze. Rachel and I must have made it out of the other room faster than usual because there was still another group in the maze. I couldn’t see who it was because it was dark, but it was a group of boys probably around my age, according to their laughter.

I started walking through the maze of mirrors. I was about three minutes into this maze. I looked behind me and Rachel was gone. Crap.

“Rachel? Rachel where are you?” I yelled through the room.

No answer. Great now I have to make it through the rest of this house alone. There was only one room left anyways. I just concentrated on getting out of this mirror maze.

I heard a big bang and turned around quickly. There was a boy a few feet behind me holding his head and on the ground.

“Are you okay?” I asked running over to him. He must have walked right into a mirror. Smart boy…

“Ya…I’m fine thanks.” He said and started to stand up.

I stood up and held out my hand. He was kind of shaky from the fall so I decided to help him up. He grabbed my hand- wait…When he grabbed my hand I got goose bumps all up my arms. Okay, maybe there was a gust of wind or something- and he stood up.

“Thanks again. So… are you in here alone?” He asked. I couldn’t see him because it was so dark.

“I lost my friend so ya. Kind of.”

“Same here.” He laughed. God he sounds so familiar. That laugh is just so sexy and sweet too. “Let’s get out of this together.” He said stepping in front of me.

“Uh maybe I should lead us out of this room.” I laughed and started walking in front of him.

Five more minutes pasted and we made it to the next room. There was another moving floor that was circling, a net wall we had to climb, and at the top of the wall was a big slide as the exit. Again it was almost pitch black. I still couldn’t see who this random guy I was with was, but I managed to make out the obstacles.

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