12. Guilty Or Not Guilty?

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"Guilty Or Not Guilty?"

Rachel didn’t say anything for a while. I think she was letting me calm down a little bit since I was crying. I stopped a few minutes ago.

“Can you sleep over?” I asked.

“Only if you tell me what that was all about.” She replied.

I paused and answered, “I will, but you can’t tell anyone you know. I’m not supposed to tell anyone.”

“I swear to god I won’t tell.”

We pulled into my driveway. And hopped out of the car. Rachel didn’t stop at her house she just would borrow some of my clothes. We did this a lot. She also leaves tons of clothes at my house anyways.

We went up to my room. I turned the TV on for her and took a shower. Then when I was done I gave her pjs and she hopped in the shower.

“Ok I’m ready.” She said walking out the door sitting in front of me on the bed.

I teared up a little bit. Thinking of everything.

“My mom was in some law troubles and a cop made a deal with her. He made the problems she had with bills go away for something in return.”

“What did he want?” She asked.

“Sex. So my mom gave it to him.” She looked shocked. I shouldn’t be telling her this. But she just saw what me and Austin did, so I didn’t have a choice. I just wouldn’t tell Austin I told her.

“So anyway the cop lost his job and he wanted revenge. He wanted revenge because my dad told the police station what he was doing and got fired. My mom committed suicide, like you already know, but because of the bills and fighting she was dealing with and I guess she was just done dealing with it. So the man still wanted his revenge and money. My dad paid him. But he kept asking for more. He made a final decision about how much money. My dad had a deadline. He passed the first dead line.”

“How is Austin involved?”

“I’m getting there. So they took one of the closest things to my dad.”

“Oh my god! What did they take?” She asked.

“Rachel they freaking took me! …… Sorry, but they kidnapped me. They told my dad another deadline for the money.” I said.

“Are you ok? What did they do to you?” She asked.

“I was raped and then taken to Austin’s house. He was supposed to watch me and make sure I didn’t go anywhere. I spent a few days at his house.”

“You stayed at his house!? Why?!” She said yelling.

“Shhh! It’s not like I had a choice okay?.... Well I was going to stay there a week until the end of the deadline. Austin let me go. He let me go because he liked me and was talking to me in the hall flirting with me a few days before.  He was really supposed to kill me.”

“Austin? Kill you?”

“Yes, now let me get through the story. The next thing that happened was I went to the game. He said that the injury he got was because of me. I checked up on him after the game. I kissed him too.”

“Really?” She asked surprised.

“That wasn’t the first time. He kissed me when he had me at his house. So I kissed him then.” I said.

“Just tell me you two didn’t hook up or anything.” She said and she sounded like she was joking.

I didn’t look at her I just looked down.

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