29. The Past Is The Past

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"The Past Is The Past"

Austin’s POV

I pulled up to the house that Justin told me to meet him. It was deep in the woods, no one was around. Figures.

I walked up to the door and kicked it open. I looked inside and saw Justin just sitting on the couch in the living room.

“How do you like my new place Mahone?” He said without even looking at me. “No one is near this place for miles. It’s like my own little secret. And it’s a secret you won’t give away if you want to keep breathing.”

Well, harsh much?

“Can we just get this over with?” I asked him and he stood up.

“Come done stairs. I want to make sure it’s all there.” He said walking down a flight of stairs to what looked like a basement. I followed behind, not sure why he wanted to go down there.

The room at the bottom of the stairs was dusty, old, and dark. Nothing was in the room except for a desk and chair. Then there was just a door probably leading to another dark and dusty room.

Justin sat behind the desk and folded his holds on the desk.

“So how you been?” He asked.

I threw the bag of money on his desk and it landed right in front of him. He didn’t even look at the bag. Does he want anything else?

“Can I leave now?” I asked with a tone in my voice. I swear I saw the door knob move, the room I mentioned earlier, but the door didn’t open so I was just seeing things, I guess.

“I asked you a question.” He stood up and opened the bag. He looked at the money then at me waiting for me to answer. He began counting the money.

“I’m great.”

“Good, good.” He then stayed silent for a while, except for the shuffling noise of the money.

“So how is that little slut of yours?” He asked.

I knew exactly what he was trying to do. He was trying to get it out of me that I was still seeing Caitlin, he was trying to get me all mad, and that would show that I still had a thing for her. I did. I still love her. I never stopped, not one day has gone by when I haven’t thought about her. And that’s exactly what he wants me to do show my weakness. But, I can’t let him know that. He needs to think the exact opposite.

“Well, after you called me and told me to remind myself what was really important to me…I did. I got rid of her. She was just another stupid slut that I played around with. Just another girl.” I said not making eye contact, so he couldn’t tell I was lying. Caitlin could always tell when I was lying just by looking into my eyes.

Saying those words for some reason made me feel horrible physical and mentally. My stomach was twisting and I thought I was going to puke. My chest got really tight making it hard to breathe. I couldn’t stop thinking about Caitlin. I would never call her just another girl. She is a lot more than that. She…She’s my everything. But, we’re just friends to her, and I can’t hurt her anymore. If she doesn’t want to be with me than its okay. Whatever she wants, I’ll agree and obey.  I constantly have to keep reminding myself about that. I—I need her more than I think. She changed me. I even thought about starting music again. That’s a big change for me! I swore to never start singing or playing instruments again. But, Caitlin made me…myself again. The real me. I can’t thank her enough for that.

“Good. And it’s all here. Good job Mahone.” I turned around and was headed for the stairs when he stopped me. I turned around to face him with my back to the exit: the stairs.

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