1. Just Another Normal Day

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"Just Another Normal Day"

Caitlin's Point Of View


The bell for 4th period just rang. I had math. Math was always my favorite subject, and don’t ask why because I don’t even know. I walked into the room and the desks were rearranged differently than before. All the desks were in pairs so I guess we would be doing a lot of partner work. Yes, I’m in high school and we still have assigned seats.

The math teacher Mrs. Haynes said “Ok, next we have Caitlin and Austin.”

No. No. No. Out of all the people in the class I just had to be with Austin. Austin sat down next to me and didn’t say a thing. He was the last person in that class I wanted to sit next to.

We carried on with the rest of class while Mrs. Haynes taught us a new lesson. I sighed in relief to hear the bell again, but this time it was the lunch bell.

“You know I don’t know how you do it,” said a high pitched voice from behind me.

It was my best friend Rachel we have been friends since third grade and I can tell her anything.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know how you manage to be the cheerleading captain and have straight A’s.”

It was true my grades were good. I had been on high honor roll every year in high school. This was my last year and I wasn’t going to let my grades fall. But it’s a challenge; the captain of the squad makes up the whole routine and organizes competitions and all that stuff.

“Oh come on, I don’t want to be late for lunch,” I said while grabbing my Vera Bradley lunch box and headed down the hall way.

 We reached the cafeteria and sat at our normal table. Rachel soon started to dig in to her lunch. And damn that girl can eat. She is one of my smallest and skinniest friends, but she eats everything in sight.

“What do you know about Austin?” I said not realizing what I said until it came out of my mouth.

“You know I don’t like him and his friend,” Rachel said nervously.

She hated them. I didn’t like them either. Austin was the popular and bad boy of the school. He had a little slut follow him everywhere he went, but that ‘little slut’ changed almost every day. People say he uses the girls for some fun, if you know what I mean, and then throws them out to find another. And his friend that also follows him everywhere too was named Alex Constancio. He also had a bad reputation. He wasn’t as well known as Austin. Some people say he does drugs and can smell weed when he walks by. I don’t know if it’s true or not because it’s not like I’m going to want and sniff him. But all in all, they were hated by most of the school, did bad things I don’t even like to think about, and were assholes.

“HELLO EARTH TO CAITLIN!” Rachel’s voice interrupted me from thinking about them.


“I asked if we were going to learn the new halftime dance at practice tonight. That’s the only thing left we have to learn right?”

“Ya I’m going to teach it tonight” I said walking out of the lunch room with Rachel realizing she never answered my question about Austin.

“Awesome! Can’t wait. Well, bye got to go I have gym.” She said leaving me at my locker.

The rest of the day dragged on and finally it was over. I gather everything I needed to do homework tonight and started walking out the doors. Someone grabbed my arm harshly pulling me to the side. It shocked me. I was small and weak. I admit it. Many things scare me.

“Come on! I have a ton of homework tonight and I want to get most of it done before practice.”

It was my neighbor Sydney. She was also on the squad. We walked home together every day because we lived close to the school, its only about half a mile or something. Honestly I hate her. She is a selfish, rude liar. And I mean it she always likes to point out my flaws, lies about every single thing about her life with ease, and brags constantly. I like I said before I’m a person that won’t tell her that because I’m ‘too nice’ to tell her. We walked home just talking about random stuff.

When I got home I finished my homework, made my way to practice (which was at the school), and taught the new dance. The first football game was this weekend and we needed to perform our halftime routine perfectly. I was stressed that the dance wouldn’t be ready considering it’s the last thing we had to learn. But surprisingly everyone picked it up fast. Practice was over and I went home, showered and grabbed my phone, and headed to bed. It was just another normal day. Maybe even a little bit too normal...

Little did I know this is where it all began. This very day I sat next to Austin in Math class led to so much more. This led up to hurt, hatred, love, passion, and more. All because of that Math class. And the events that occured changed my life. Looking back...I think after being dragged through hell, it led up to where I am today. And frackly...I wouldn't change a thing.

So keep reading for a book full of drama, love, pain, happiness, and just a big rollar coaster of emotions. Will this bad boy change for the better? Or will he go up in flames doing bad, illegal things without the one person he needs?


Hey guys! This is my first story and sorry about this chapter it was mostly about cheerleading, but you needed to meet some of the characters so... but the next chapter will be the only other chapter that talks about cheerleading for a while so sorry if its too much

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