44. Buckle Up

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"Buckle Up"

Caitlin’s POV

“We are going to catch you up to speed on things, and then we have a flight to catch.” He said taking two chairs and placing them in front of me. He sat in one chair and left the other one. What does he mean catch a flight? He better not be taking me somewhere! I’ve been through this kidnapping sh*t too many times now! I thought it was over!

“Hey babe.” I heard an all too familiar voice from behind me. Then that person came into my vision and my heart dropped into my stomach. My eyes quickly filled with tears as he sat down in the other chair.

“How could you?!” I screamed at Nick. “I trusted you, I-I…I loved you!” I yelled.

He chuckled a little.

“Listen…This whole thing between us…it was set up.” He said making me look like I was stupid.


“Yup.” He nodded his head and leaned back in his chair.

“And you!” I whipped my head over to the other guy.

Who was that guy, you ask?

None other than the devil himself.


“I thought you were arrested!”

“Stop yelling you whore and listen.” He said calmly.

“Let’s go back to that day, shall we? Dave and Justin got arrested…I ran. The police never knew I was part of that whole situation. Dave had called me and told me I could have a spot in his gang if I asked you out on that date to the coffee shop. I did get a spot on the team, but they were arrested, so I had to take over that gang and start fresh.”

He cleared his throat and started talking again. “I found some members and Nick happens to be one of them. After Austin’s career took off we couldn’t do anything harmful to him. He’s famous. We decided to use his weakness against him. He will come find us if we have his weakness. He’ll come running to use and we can get our revenge.”

I still am very confused. What is his weakness, why am I here, where are we going, and why do they need me?

“What’s his weakness?” I asked with a weak voice and glossy eyes.

They laughed, exchanged looks at each other, and looked back at me.

“You haven’t figured it out yet?”

I shook my head.

“You’re his weakness. That’s why we took you.” Kyle said.

Really? No, they don’t know what they are talking about.

“I’m not his weakness alright? He doesn’t even like me.” I looked down.

“Nick go home. We’ve got a flight to catch.” Kyle said and Nick exited the room.

I can’t believe him. I loved him and he said he loved me. What a liar. I trusted him, told him everything about me, and he treated me like sh*t.

Kyle came over to me and untied me. He grabbed my arm, walked me outside, and threw me in the car. I sat shotgun and buckled up. He came in on the other side of the car. I was going to listen to him because he could kill me. I’ll listen to him; I just don’t want to die. I don’t want them to do anything to Austin either, so I should be on my best behavior. I have to do what they say…It’s for the best.

I looked behind me and saw 2 suitcases. Where the hell are we going?

“Here is your new phone.” He handed me the gold 5s iphone. I turned it on and saw the usual apps.

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