On a mission to find Haruhi. Part 1

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And after a long, I am back. Hello there everybody it's been a really, really, long time since I've token a break from writing my book. And I would like to say that I sincerely apologize for leaving my readers on hold for months. Things came up in my life and I rather not explain this to you guys since I do not want to worry anyone reading this anyways please enjoy this chapter 😊 ))

                          ~ Shiro's POV ~

After 5 long months from recovering from my traumatic experience, the host club and I decided to visit Haruhi to see if she wanted to hang out with us for the day. We walked up the stairs as I stood next to the twins. Hikaru and Kaoru had helped me throughout getting better with myself. As we got close to the door I was feeling uneasy for some odd reason. As Tamaki rang the doorbell him the twins, and Mitsukuni sang in chorus. 

"Haruhi Chan please come out and play~" they sang in sync. As the door opened Haruhi's father opened the door revealing his woken-up face.

"Sorry we have the wrong place." said Tamaki as he turned around and speed walked out of the apartment complex as the rest of the members followed him I was left behind.

"Hey, hey wait a second." Ranka said following them and pushing them towards the door.

"But Tamaki this is the right place." I said standing in front of the door.

"Don't act so traumatized without seeing me without my makeup on. Even transvestites get stubble first thing in the morning beside boys like you."

"You're so funny." Tamaki said laughing which didn't sound like his usual laugh.

"My dearest Ranka, I hope this day will fulfill you with excellency." he said handing him the gift of sweets. As soon as Tamaki held it out to Ranka, Ranka uppercut Tamaki taking the box away from him while putting Tamaki's head on the ground as his right foot was on his head.

"Tama Chan!!" I yelled out seeing him on the ground. Oh man I thought he was gonna knock out.

"Please Ranka that's my head."

"Oh silly me I forgot my manners please forgive me. I forgot my appearance and its so nice to see all of you again."

"Is Haru Chan here?"

"Im afraid not she's out with the girls today. They picked her up this morning." Her father said. Wait who's these girls? I thought then widened my eyes realizing who it was. Uh no I don't feel too well.

"So she's not home."

"Correct." Ranka said smiling as he opened the box of sweets.

"Well I guess it's normal for Haruhi to be spending time with her middle school friends. Come on guys it's time to go." Tamaki said getting up from the floor, his face swollen red as he proceed out the door. I just stood there in the door way not daring to move.

"G-Guys it's not from her middle school." I softly called out.

"I can't believe she has friends from middle school." The twins said down the hall.

"And therefore, I was against a surprise visit."

"Come to think of it Haruhi makes new friends easily, just imagine it, my little girl making friends from Lobelia Academy." Ranka said.

"Ranka please don't say that school's name out so bluntly." I said panicking. Why didn't I tell them this morning what is wrong with me!?

"Did you say." Tamaki said rushing back to the door as he heard Lobelia's name.

"Lo-" Hikaru stated off.

"Be-" Kaoru followed along.

"Li-" Tamaki said.

"-ahhh!" the three of them said in sync. I gulped turning pale and slowly walked out of the room.

"Shiro, where are you going?" Kyoya asked turning around looking at me.

"I um have to be somewhere right now." I lied trying to get out of this situation.

"Oh, then if you say so, why would you come with us to see Haruhi. You're a bad liar you know." He said walking up to me eyeing me dead on.

"I mean it's not like I knew where she was all this time." I said gulping. Wrong move Shiro, wrong move.

"You what!?" Hikaru yelled running towards me grabbing both of my arms shaking me.

"You knew where Haruhi was all this time yet you never told us!?" Kaoru exclaimed standing next to me.

"I forgot alright it's not like I have a good memory." I said looking down feeling ashamed.

                              ~ Earlier at 8:00 am in the morning ~

As I stayed in the living room playing my videogames all night long there was a knock on the door. I yawned and got up trying to figure out who was knocking this early in the morning. As I unlocked the door I opened it squinting my eyes trying to see who it was.

"My, my well if it isn't Shiro Ootori in the Ootori manner my what a coincidence." Benibara said supposedly using her "charm." I just looked at her in disbelief.

"I live here." I said bluntly being in a bad mood since I haven't slept since 6.

"Well you are a clever girl indeed." Hinagiku smiled.

"It's something called common sense unlike you guys." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Plus why are you even here? Who gave you permission to be in the Ootori property?" I asked.

"My, my Shiro you seem not to be in the best mood."

"It's 8:00 leave me alone."

"We were wondering if you would like to join us in today's play. You will be alongside with one of your female companions-" Suzuran stated off as soon said join us and alongside I quickly closed the door on them and locked it returning back to the couch trying to get some sleep.

                                ~ Back to normal time. End of flashback ~

"So, you see that's how it went." I said explaining the whole situation the host club members.

"I see. Then it's our duty to get Haruhi back." Tamaki exclaimed.

"Im really sorry guys, I didn't know I truly didn't I was just too tired to try and understand what they were saying before I shut the door on them." I said looking down.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. It's just a mistake." Hikaru said rubbing my head. I looked at him and smiled feeling a bit better. As soon as Tamaki exclaimed that we were going to get Haruhi back, me and Hikaru decided to stay next to each other walking along the way to Lobelia Academy.

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