Honey's Cavity. Part 3

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      ~ Honey's POV ~

It was the third day of not eating sweets as I became irritated by now. I walked in circles feeling myself about to give up holding Usa Chan tighter to me.

"He's going to crack."

"Will somebody please talk to him, he's scaring me." Kaoru Chan said as I opened the door to the cupboards to find some snacks or at least some sweets.

"He's headed to the candy!" Hikaru yelled.

"There's no need to worry, we emptied out all the sweets."

"Kyoya senpai, you seem really chippered today."

"It's odd and disturbing." Shiro said. I opened the cupboard I could reach and looked inside of it. All I saw was a disappointment. I picked up the brown stuffed bear and slammed it to the ground.

"Ahhh! He keeps do that to my teddy bear!!" Tamaki yelled and with that I gave up and landed on the floor.

"Well there he goes."

"Three days and he gives up." said Hikaru.

"U-uh Honey Senpai?" Tamaki asked as he gently pushed me as I bite into his hand hard.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!! Somebody help me he's eating my hand off!" Tamaki yelled as he ran around the room trying to pull me off as I wouldn't let go.

"Mitsukuni don't take this out on other people." Takashi said. I took my mouth away from his hand and took a step back.

"You saved me, I thought I was goner." Tama Chan said as he rubbed his left hand.

"It's disgraceful." he said and with that I got mad at him.

"Takashi." I said placing my hands on him. "You idiot!" I yelled flipping him over hearing the host club gasp at what I did to my own cousin.

"A little bit isn't going to hurt me you're so mean, you're such a hard head! That's it I hate you; I hate you Takashi!" I yelled getting frustrated crying as I ran away into the hallway.

"Wait Honey Senpai!" Tamaki yelled following after me.

             ~ Mori's POV ~

"Hey Mori Senpai?" Hikaru asked.

"That's harsh will you be alright?" Kaoru asked. I stood up and tried to walk wobbling putting my hand on the brown table with force knocking it over as I fell to the floor on my knees.

"I hate you Takashi, I hate you Takashi, I hate you Takashi!" Those words rang in my ear repeating themselves at what Mitsukuni said to me.

"Wow Senpai it really got to you. I don't know what's going on but, it looks like you're self-destructing." Hikaru said.

"Maybe Honey Senpai would have hated you if you didn't been so hard in the first place."

"No one wants to hear that from someone they love very much." Shiro said.

"It was on purpose." Haruhi said.


"Mori Senpai is it true you wanted this to happen in the first place for Honey Senpai to hate you?"

"Why would he do that?" Hikaru asked.

"It would be the end of Mori Senpai."

"Why would he do that?" the twins said in sync.

"Well maybe because he wanted to punish himself."

"Im right aren't I?" she asked.

"Yeah you are this was my fault. Mitsukuni has a cavity because I'm careless. Twice before his nap time I forgot to make him brush his teeth." I said softly staring at the ground.

"But that's not really your responsibility."

"He should know better."

"You guys see how the way Mori Senpai treats Honey. It's their family relationship. Mori is like a big brother to Honey Senpai." Shiro said.

"But if Mitsukuni has to get false teeth it'll be my fault."

"Ah don't worry, that's not going to happen."

"Wow what pessimist."

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself anymore. If he hadn't thrown me down on the floor."

"Because he felt at fault, Mori Senpai wanted a punishment from Honey Senpai to make up his failure." Kyoya said.

"Well for that makes a nice story and all."

"It was just a little cavity right?"

         ~ Honey's POV ~

As I looked inside the host club I couldn't help myself but to frown and watched as Takashi sat on the floor.

"Well there you have it Honey Senpai, what will you do now?" Tamaki asked as he put a hand on my shoulder. When I ran out to the hallways, I didn't go that far. Afterwards I just listened to what Takashi had to say and I knew I felt bad about it.

"Im sorry! I'm so sorry Takashi, I promise to always brush my teeth I won't forget." I said while crying in front of him.

         ~Shiro's POV ~  

"A few days later Honey Senpai recovered from his cavity as the host club lifted the ban so Honey Senpai, went back down to eating sweets again."

"What's wrong with Kyoya Senpai he looks depressed about something?" Haruhi asked.

"He's stressed out. Here Kyo-Ni." I said handing him a cup of green tea for my brother.

"Cause Honey Senpai is back to eating sweets again."

"All those sweets get expensive."

"Excuse me."

"Oh my looks like we have a new guest gentlemen and Shiro."

"Are you a fan of Mori Senpai?" Tamaki asked.

"Well Mori, I understand now. I know how strongly about how you feel it's okay. I must say it's about Honey to think he's so special to you. I don't know. It's just so nice."

"That was unexpected." I said.

"Congratulations you just found yourself stepping inside a whole new world. Renge said.

"Mitsukuni you made a mess." Mori said while wiping Honey's cheek.

"Haha." Honey smiled

"That's right ladies it's Moe~ the greatest thing ever." The girls and Renge cooed as they watched Mori and Honey.

"You know even thought this thing might feel like a happy ending I don't think Moe is the best thing to wrap up." Haruhi said.


"Good grief." Haruhi said. I smiled and sat down on one of the couches letting them do their own thing. I took out a bag of green tea Kit Kat.

"Eating sweets Shiro?" Hikaru asked sitting close to me.

"Mhm." I nodded opening up the package putting the bar into my mouth chewing on it.

"Maybe you should have a cookie with me." Hikaru said leaning close to me. I shrugged and put another in my mouth and with that, I yelled in pain.

"Owwww my tooth."

"Not again!"

 Couldn't upload it on Friday I'm like 3 weeks late and Im tired with school already got some homework on the weekend kms. Hopefully I can update another chapter but it's not going to be the Haruhi in Wonderland yet. I wanted to put in a chapter about Shiro's POV and her elementary, middle school and Highschool.  Haruhi in Wonderland will be after Shiro's story. Thank you so much for 16.4k :)  )) 

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