A Trip Gone Wrong. Part 3

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              ~ Shiro's POV ~

As Honey and I walked through the rain forest to find the host club, I heard alarms going off into the distance.

"Whats that sound Shiro Chan?" asked Honey. I shrugged my shoulders not knowing how to responed to his question.

"I'm not sure, it must be an alarm going off by accident." I said and continued to walk around.

"You know we have a lot in common right?"

"Why do you say so?" I asked and looked up at him.

"We both care for the people we love the most. And sweets, and cute stuff as well." he said and started to smile wide. I nodded my head in agreement.

"You're right." I said softly and continued searching.

              ~ Haruhi's POV ~

As Mori walked through the rain forest to find Honey and Shiro,we heard running coming towards us.

"It must be them." I said. Mori shook his head in disapproval.

"No, you're wrong Haruhi." Mori said as 9 police squad surrounded us. What's happening? Im so confused.

"Target confirmed. The target has been captured by an anonymous man, we'll take the target in custody." said the police man.

~ Kyoya's POV ~

Tamaki, the twins, and I walked through the rain forest in search for the other members, but something told me that I forgot to tell the Ootori police squad other information.

"I dont believe I mentioned anyone else that is here my mistake." I said.

"Good job Kyoya." the twins said. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

~ Mori's POV ~

"You there put the boy down at once if not, we'll do it my force." the police man said and targeted their guns at me.

"Hold on a minute!" Haruhi yelled as a guard grabbed her by the arm. Quickly I kicked him in the face and held Haruhi tightly.

"The suspect is resisting! Prepare to give off warning shot!"

"Takashi, Haru-Chan move out the way!!" Honey yelled swinging down from a vine and hitting one of them in the face landing perfectly on the ground.

"Hey what are you doing pipsqueak?!"

"Hehe." Honey chuckled softly. I moved out the way and let Mitsukuni take control. He's grown so far throughout his training.

~ Haruhi's POV ~

I watched as Honey Senpai took down the police officers one by one, I couldn't believe it. Yes I was watching it with my two eyes but how can he do that?

"You guys should be more careful who you mess with, picking with my friends is bad got it!" Honey yelled declaring it wasn't right to abuse us in some act.

"Haruhi are you alright?!" Tamaki yelled running as the twins and Kyoya followed.

"Hey its Tama Chan."

"Oh wow." said Hikaru.

"You okay Senpai?"

"Im fine." Honey said and smiled.

"Haruhi!~ I was so worried." Tamaki yelled and hugged me tightly. I groaned and let him but didn't hug back.

"Wait where's Shiro?!" Hikaru asked and looked around and started to panic.

A Little Ootori ❗️Editing in Progress ❗️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora