Happy Birthday Shiro! Part 2.

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~ Shiro's POV ~

I decided to check out the rest of Okinawa and I went towards tall cliff. I sat closely to the edge, my legs dangling over the edge over looking the view of the Pacific Ocean.

"It's so beautiful here I still can't believe there was a war here." I mumbled to myself.

"I can't believe it either." A voice said. I turned around and looked at Hikaru walking towards me and sitting close to me.

"It's such a beautiful place here to visit and spend time with family and friends don't you think?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I like it more when I'm alone with you." Hikaru said and lightly brushed his hand over mine. I blushed slightly and nodded. I just gotta ask him and figure it out. No holding back this time. I looked up at hikaru and gulped. Why am I so afraid I shouldn't be. I scooted closer to him as he looked down at me.

"I know what you're doing Shiro." He said quietly.

"Do you now?" I asked looking away.

"Yeah it's clear that you like me and what to get an answer rights?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded. I do like him. I do like Hikaru Hitachiin since we started talking.

"You're correct." I said.

"Well to be honest, I do like you Shiro but-" I widen my eyes and focused looking down not making eye contact. I know what's going to happened I don't want to believe it I don't.

"We can't be together." he ended his sentence. I felt my heart shatter and tears coming out from my eyes.

"Why not!?" I asked straight forward trying to keep my voice low.

"It's not you its me." Oh woah some cliché romance quote.

"You sound like we're breaking up! Stop giving me theses stupid cliché quotes Hikaru and stop being an ass to me."

" You really wanna know why we can't me together!?" He asked and started to yell.

"What's keeping you from doing so!?"

"I'm more in love with Haruhi then you! Why don't you just leave me alone and stay out of my life?" He said and got off and walked off the cliff joining the rest of the host club. I sat alone looking at the sea. I couldn't stop crying he loves her more then me.

"Why can't I be happy?" I muttered and held my knees together this day sucks.

~ Haruhi's POV ~
As I watched everyone spending time with their customers, I noticed that Shiro wasn't around the area. Maybe she's inside the beach house I thought.

"Haruhi aren't you going to go swimming?" One of my clients said.

"Huh? Oh no I'm not going to swim." I said turning my head towards them.

"Then can we sit with you if you don't mind?"

"Oh sure to go ahead. But don't you girls want to go swimming. I mean you do have cure outfits on." I said and watched them sit down their faces pure red. We talked about how the week went and what hobbies we have in common. We all laughed and enjoyed our time but got interrupted by Kyoya.

"Haruhi have you've seen Shiro?" Kyoya asked as he walked up to me and my clients.

"No haven't seen her at all." I said.

"I can't find her anywhere. I tried calling her, but her phone is inside." He said. I nodded and got up from the beach towel.

"Maybe she went exploring I'll look for her."

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