The Host Club Annual Party Part 1.

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~ Shiro's POV~

I walked down the hallway towards the music room. School was now over and the host club was now starting. I had just finished my test but now I'm late Kyo-Ni is going to be mad at me for being late but hey it's not my fault, well maybe. I approached the door and opened it. I saw the host still standing in there normal position. Great they still haven't opened yet I'm saved.

"I see that your 10 minutes later Shiro." Yep I knew that voice from a mile away.

"Oops sorry I'm late I was just finishing up stuff. By the way mind telling why is it a tropical paradise in here when it's early spring?" I said while looking around the room.

"That's what I also said too Shiro-chan". Haruhi said while holding up her calendar.

" What was that Haruhi, you know I can raise your debt more". Kyoya said while looking at Haruhi with his devil eyes. I knew I hadded to do something, but I never knew Haruhi-Chan was in debt.

" What debt?". I asked in confusion.

"Haruhi broke a 8 million yen vase." Hikaru said as he put an arm around me.

"Yeah so now she has do be inthe host club. She's a commoner after all." Kaoru said as he placed an arm around my shoulder.  So that's why she's in this host club, and that's why she's in boys uniform because they thought she was a boy with her hair.

"But you know that isn't very nice to call someone a commoner and to also raise up their debt." I said while looking at my brother.

"Shiro-Chan, it's fine until I finish repaying my debt it's all good, but for right now please stay out of it." Those words hit me like an arrow. How can she say that it breaks my heart.

"No. Kyoya I wanna help Haruhi too." I said while using my brothers actually name instead of a nickname. This time I was serious with it.

"As you wish then". Kyoya said while setting his notebook aside. I smiled I was finally going to help Haruhi with her debt.

"Alright men and girls get in your position the host club is ready to open. Shiro will stay in here uniform and also Haruhi too." Tamaki said while he pretended to fake cry.

"I don't understand why you're pretending to cry Tama-San." I said while standing next to Kyoya.

"Its because Haruhi refused to wear a tropical outfit with the boss." Hikaru said as he grabbed my waist and pulling me closer to him. I felt as if my face was burning up which was already red by then.

"The only reason why I didn't want to wear it is because it's for a girl, but yet the girls that request me see me as a "boy".

"How about Shiro can put it on." Hikaru said. Can't my brother see this what is he blind?

"Shiro doesn't really like putting on costumes unless it's her favorite outfit. And Hikaru please put down my little sister she's not a toy remember." I felt the pair of hands release their grip from me. About 10 minutes passed by the host club was surrounded by various girls, and for me another huge portion of boys for me too.

"Shiro-Chan do you wanna go to the host club dance party with me." A boy asked.

"No with me!"

"Hey shut up she wants to go with me I'm her favorite guy so she has to pick me for sure." I just sat there acting like me usual self but in reality I didn't give two shits about going to the party with any of these guy, they're really getting me mad. All I want to do this weekend is go home watch anime, eat, sleep, and read manga that's all. I don't care but as for my brother well that's not going to happen this week. I have to to figure something out fast but how?.

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